When the AntiVir "Guard" is active, what is the best option for files to be "Guarded:" "all files", "smart extensions" or the "extension list?"
When the AntiVir "Guard" is active, what is the best option for files to be "Guarded:" "all files", "smart extensions" or the "extension list?"
The default setting is "Extension List" and thats where I left it and have no issues. "All Files" would slow you down.
The default setting is "Extension List" and thats where I left it and have no issues. "All Files" would slow you down.
That's were I also have it at. Although in the past I've tried the other two methods as well All Files and Smart Extensions which do offer better all round protection.
Actually with it set to All Files and Smart Extensions I don't notice any slowdown as I never have before either, and it's lazy on my part for not selecting it so I'll keep it on All Files.
Avira needs to update their help file because they claim Smart Extensions is the default but it's not how AntiVir is preconfigured:
Smart ExtensionsIf this option is enabled, the selection of the files scanned for viruses or unwanted programs is automatically chosen by Avira AntiVir Personal. This means that Avira AntiVir Personal decides respective of their content, whether the files are scanned or not. This procedure is somewhat slower than Use file extension list, but more secure, since not only on the basis of the file extension is scanned. This option is enabled as the default setting and is recommended.
Edit: The above information is incorrect, I was in the wrong part of the help file.
However using Smart Extensions or All Files for the Guard will give better protection.