Question about using Recuva

Question; when using Recuva, does it store any type of temporary files on the computer that can be deleted? We are planning on using Recuva on some of our servers but are worried about build up from using recuva.

I see you are saying 'our servers' Does this mean you have purchased Recuva?

If so, this entitles you to personal support from Piriform

I see you are saying 'our servers' Does this mean you have purchased Recuva?

If so, this entitles you to personal support from Piriform

Not yet. We are still in a testing phase and will be using the free version for now. It's just a concern is if Recuva stores files on the hdd and if so, where would it be located and would they be able to be deleted as they may build up on the hdd.

Okay, let me rephrase. Recuva acts as a recycle bin in which we can restore deleted files, is there a way for use to automatically "empty" the recycle bin (Recuva) of it's contents? For example, set it to automatically empty every 2 or 3 days. Is there some kind of setting where we can do this?

I think you may have the wrong idea about Recuva.

Recuva is something you run to try and recover files you may have deleted by accident for example.

Recuva doesn't store your files anywhere (such as a bin) It recovers files which were thought to be lost or deleted and restores them to a place such as another hard drive.

It doesn't do this automatically, it is all done at a request by you.

I think you may have the wrong idea about Recuva.

Recuva is something you run to try and recover files you may have deleted by accident for example.

Recuva doesn't store your files anywhere (such as a bin) It recovers files which were thought to be lost or deleted and restores them to a place such as another hard drive.

It doesn't do this automatically, it is all done at a request by you.

Hmm okay. I was told that Recuva acted like a recycle bin. Do you have a program that would fit my needs or possibly recommend one?

Anything resembling a Recycle bin is useless if the drive crashes.

Are you not using Partition image backup software ?