Quake 4

I finally beat Quake 4 after 4 days. Pretty good if I must say so, graphics and sound are awesome. They really did a good job using the Doom 3 engine.

Have not tried it yet, and I dont really plan todo so either. iD Software didnt make it, it was their partner Raven Software. Everytime iD Software make a new game, they blow my mind away! :D

Since, iD havent made the game, I am skeptic that it might be Doom 3 with other weapons, textures, monsters, maps, sounds and be like a mission pack. Something released just to cash in some money.

When iD do things, they put their souls into it, and the final product is always outstanding.

Actually I found it to be the other way around. Doom 3 was very limited on the engine. Quake 4 on the other hand... Outdoors, vehicles, new effects, and other stuff here and there. Quake 4 shows what the Doom 3 engine can really do and not just going from room to room that all looks the same.

yeah, i understand that, so quake is actually making use of the doom 3 engine? doom 3 barely used the engine, but in my opinion nothing beats the versatility of the source engine.