Running it now from CD. Can't see much difference yet. The 520 CD is a nice coaster now.
Link: HERE
Haven't seen you for a bit.
Or is it just my ailing faculties never saw you.
Haven't seen you for a bit.
Or is it just my ailing faculties never saw you.
Sure is nice to have friends who miss you, even across an ocean.
Got involved with a time consuming writing project with a friend. Didn't even have time to hook up to the net most days. Experienced Acute Forum Withdrawal, recovering nicely now.
Have ya tried out Puppy 525 yet?
Trying my best not to, but you know what it's like when something's sitting there just asking to be installed.
I'll let you know.
Installed it to a flash drive and being a Puppy newbie, it's taken a little while to get it set up, but I'm here now with the latest Opera, all my bookmarks, notes, favourite skin etc, and I think it's pretty amazing.
Shame the spellchecker must be the "across the pond" variety, and you guys can't spell "favourite".
One thing I can't work out yet so maybe I can get a tip from one of you Linux experts ...
How do I get the browser window to cover the task bar? Bottom of the screenshot.
EDIT: Solved the task bar issue, but it's gone now. Worked great yesterday, today it wouldn't boot with some error ... "Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!"
I didn't keep the ISO so that's it for puppy.
...Installed it to a flash drive and being a Puppy newbie, it's taken a little while to get it set up...
... "Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!"
...I didn't keep the ISO so that's it for puppy.
Sorry that it was not your favourite experience. I spent more time than it is really worth trying to set up ver 520 on a flash drive, got it working OK (save only on demand), but 'twas not worth the time for me to do again. That Kernel Panic message caused me a User Panic but no harm was done.
For ver 525, I put it on a CD (CD -r, not a CD RW), cause the USB wouldn't boot on some computers.
At shutdown, I got the option to save or not. That may not seem like earth shattering news, save or not save, but the USB version doesn't seem to work that way, it seems to save whether you want it to or not after the first time.
So it SEEMS that if you have it on a CD, you get the option to save changes or not. I am going to install something right now and choose not save and see what happens. Back in a flash. (no pun intended)
OK, just finished that.
Installed Gimp. Got the choice to save or not save and both choices worked. Fixing up a CD is a lot easier.
FYI, The option found among the menus at > system > Puppy Event Manager > Save Session is set to zero to never save.
All I am really looking for is an OS for infrequent use that is less "changeable" and Puppy works OK for that.
Don't know about the task bar issue but here is what mine looks like:
I didn't delete the ISO, just forgot what it was called and didn't recognize it the other day. Yea I know, I'm going gaga.
I'm running with it now. I reinstalled it to a flash drive yesterday, used it for a while, but declined the "save settings" option on shut down.
It relaunched OK today, so I'm wondering if it was the save data that caused the error previously, or is it just coincidence and the problem is something else.
Without reading any guides, it was difficult getting all my configurations for Opera copied into it's equivalent Puppy files, as they aren't quite the same, but I got there:
Here's a strange thing. I can't see anything in your post in way of a link or thumbnail for that image, although I can see the attachment details if I open a "reply to" window. I can see my uploaded attachment OK. Odd.
The big test will be saving all my settings this time as I have a feeling doing that will cause another loading issue. It probably won't handle the save running from a flash drive.
On a different note, I installed Linux Mint on another flash drive, and it looks really nice. Much bigger than Puppy and I haven't tried to save any settings to it yet, but if you haven't tried it, it's worth a look.
... Yea I know, I'm going gaga. ...
I know the feeling, sort of getting used to it. I double posted before, probably deleted the picture from the wrong place. Should now be in this post.
Edit: Whatever happened with the doubling happened again. Occurred when I previewed the attached picture, then went back to the post, got a double post, then when I deleted the picture from the last one it was deleted from both of them.
Further information, the CD which I had praised so highly will not boot on my old laptop, but will on my older desktop. The option to boot from CD shows in the bios boot menu, but even if I choose it, the bios just skips over it straight to windows from the hard drive. Puzzle. Now just about to install puppy again to a CD, maybe a flash drive also, see what I have to do to get it to boot on the laptop.
Nuther edit: on the way to look at mint. There goes the rest of the weekend.
Cleaned up the doubled post.
I'm gonna have a go at saving settings now, although after reading some stuff, it seems one method of installing "Flash Puppy" is to burn the ISO to CD first, and then install to Flash Drive from the CD. Apparently it carries it's own installer to do just that.
I will say that while the Flash version is booting it's looking for Puppy files on disk drives. That search takes some time, so maybe it's looking for files on the installed CD version, if you follow what I mean.
I'll let you know, and if it fails again I'll burn it to CD first, and install it to flash drive from the CD.
Once you have your first live-CD and Puppy running, Puppy has the lovely Universal Installer for installing Puppy to various media.
Cleaned up the doubled post.
I'll let you know, and if it fails again I'll burn it to CD first, and install it to flash drive from the CD.
Thanks for cleaning up after me. :-)
Thats what I am doing, getting ready to install to a 2 gig usb drive from this CD which is running right now. I used gparted to format the USB into a small (250 mb) ext3 partition and the rest is fat32. (be afraid, be very afraid...if you tell it to gparted will reformat the wrong usb drive... or your hard drive...I just unmount and unplug all except the target one till I'm done) I know you know that but its worth saying anyway.
edit: just got it onto the usb drive, still nogo on the laptop, works fine on the desktop. Going to check if a bios update is out there for the laptop. fingers crossed.
Cracked it.
This time I went very carefully through the save options when shutting down, which I didn't do last time.
I set up a 512mb save file on my NTFS internal hard drive, and by following the subsequent boot process, this is the Puppy file it was looking for when it tripped on me.
Through not paying attention I tried to save my settings onto the flash drive, which didn't have enough space, hence the problem mentioned above.
The boot up was quicker, and it's running great. My "Werewolf Shadowguard" skin looks better than it does in Windows, which is an added bonus.
So ... it's fine to install the Puppy ISO straight to Flash Drive using UnetBootin.
Just be careful setting up the "Save" file when shutting down for the first time. You can make it larger or smaller than 512mb, but that seemed to be a good option not knowing how big my first "settings" save would actually be.
Another bonus is it had "Aqualung" music player sitting in the Package Manager Multimedia section. Simple click and download.
Aqualung handles perfect "gapless" playback. Magic!
Another bonus is it had "Aqualung" music player sitting in the Package Manager Multimedia section. Simple click and download.
Aqualung handles perfect "gapless" playback. Magic!
You are a quick study for sure. I never had checked out that package manager. You get my vote for resident Puppy expert.
Here is an alternate install method, has the advantages that it doesn't touch your HD, and it is simpler.
- Burn the iso to CD, doesn't have to be a CD-RW, just don't close the session. I used burn CDCC HERE
- In the menu go to System > Puppy Event Manager > Save Session tab and set the value in the box to zero to prevent auto-saves.
- Install what you want, then at shutdown you are offered the option to save to CD or not.
- At the next shutdown, you get the choice to save or not, and that is how it goes for the rest or your sessions, AFAIK.
- Nothing saved unless you want it, you can download and use something and it is gone if you don't save it.
Well, Linux Mint has gone. There's no way to save anything unless it's installed on a hard drive, and it doesn't offer anything better than Puppy which is a fraction of the size.
Mint gives you option to back up your files and an option to back up your user installed software, but loading the back up of the software just triggers Mint to download them again, so it's not really a back up. And installing the files back up simply breaks the programs they belong to, ie my install of Opera.
The only problem I've had with Puppy is glitched playback of music, but that's not an insurmountable problem.
All in all, something different to surf with, and a decent "Live" recovery CD.