Hey Guys,
I've gotto say i absolutely love this feature! what a fantastic idea
I just have a "curiosity killed the cat" kind of question i'm hoping someone can answer ![;)]()
How is the file being transferred to the Pirform Site, via ftp?
Cheers Rob.
Hi there!!!
This option is a dream come thru for a lot of people (like me) that have several computers spread on some branches offices.
What about an option to make this option a rocket feature? we have 2 or 3 options:
1) configure a odbc on the client to post the result to a site of mine and a db specification to accept the parameters.
2) best! why don't you sell to us accounts, where we can manage (record) our computers, record changes, and all kind of juicy features
That would be a very nice option for a great program.
Thanks, and greetings from Mexico