PS4 announcement

If you watched the PS4 announcement, what did you think?

Personally I'm pretty excited. It looks like the PS4 will be a pretty big upgrade over the current consoles. None of the games they showed were all that exciting to me(not the games I play) but the graphics definitely looked good.

Haven't seen the announcement at all, although I've looked at rumours on YouTube for months now. One thing if the rumoured ability to not be able to play rented or used games is true (and I don't know if it is or isn't) it could really tank the PS4 in my opinion, and you'd be stuck with s**t games not worth lint forever with no ability to auction them off on sites like eBay, etc.

I just wish they or some other savvy console maker would move away from optical media altogether just kill it off because the Blu-ray drive in the PS3 was its achilles heel (same failing as the disc drive in the PS2) and most common to fail part of the whole console - and it's only made worse by games that don't install anything but instead constantly read off the disc causing the drive to prematurely fail.

Sony has already said they aren't going to block used games.

If you want to use digital downloads only then steam and their upcoming steam box may be for you. I just built a gaming pc in a small case that I use on my tv. I use an xbox 360 controller to play the games and it works really well. My only complaint is that steam's big picture mode is pretty good but its kind of clunky. It works 100% to play/download games but any kind of social stuff is a little messy.

I'm still going to get a ps4 though. The specs look good, I already have a vita and that integration looks interesting, and I like a lot of Sony's exclusive games. I'm interested to see what xbox announces (rumored to be april) I prefer my xbox right now so I will still have to decide which one I'm going to get first.

I'm still going to get a ps4 though.

I will wait and see, I don't adopt a new console until at least the first price drop and after there's enough online chatter about it.

Jeezum crow I'm glad I never progressed past PS2. Sounds as annoying as Twitter.

I will wait and see, I don't adopt a new console until at least the first price drop and after there's enough online chatter about it.

Yeah I probably wont get it at release either. It really depends on the price. I'm betting it's gonna be $500.

I'm betting it's gonna be $500.

At $500 they can stick where the sun don't shine, because I know that damned thing just like previous hardware will just break in 1, 2, or 3 years. Hopefully they solve the issue of games breaking the console, I've had two do that from constantly reading the disc non-stop.

At $500 they can stick where the sun don't shine, because I know that damned thing just like previous hardware will just break in 1, 2, or 3 years. Hopefully they solve the issue of games breaking the console, I've had two do that from constantly reading the disc non-stop.

my guess is this one is for you

my guess is this one is for you


OnLive isn't for me (nor is streaming games at all), while it is indeed interesting without having physical discs wearing out the disc drive it's just too new at the moment.

They'll have to be around for several years and lets say have an OnLive 2 to even garner my full attention as something established that won't just disappear as I've been there before with other consoles that just go poof and die.

They'd also need to have the ability of installing a gargantuan SSD drive in the unit for storing music, movies, pictures, etc., and be able to play all of it flawlessly, i.e.; kind of like the PS3 but without the deathstar of a disc drive.

The first ever console launch that didn't show the console? As for the announcement itself, can't say I was all that impressed. Graphically the games shown didn't seem that much of a step up, especially with regards to how noticeably big a step there was between previous Playstations. That tech demo of the old mans face gave a major sense of deja vu. They've shown exactlly the same thing, and same claims, with previous consoles and it's never actually made it into games in the way it was demo'd. And of the games shown only one caught my attention -

. The gameplay looked quite intriguing to me. Aside from that, nothing particularly excited me sadly.

Watchdogs will come to PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii U as well as PS4.(probably wont look as nice though)

I thought the killzone demo looked really good. I'm hesitant to believe it though after what sony did with the PS3 announcement.(remember that crazy KZ2 video?)

The first ever console launch that didn't show the console?

A black plastic box. :P

That's good news for the plethora of PS3 users who have had their disc drives trashed by countless games. I will definitely adopt the download feature if they have some sort of recovery method to re-download the game at no charge in the event of a corrupt installation.

I find these newer consoles confusing. My kids kick my butts at them.