Here is the error report. What can I do about this. Thanks
Here is the error report. What can I do about this. Thanks
This tells us very little. Does this occur everytime you clean
Without a ccleaner debug report (see thread at the top of the bugs board) it's not entirely clear this is the the issue, but since the ms crash report says moz history, I'm going to suggest that firefox or other mozilla based software is not exited or still is running in the background of Windows.
Exit all mozilla based software Open task manager
Go to the processes (or details) tab
Look for firefox.exe or plugincontainer.exe and any other mozilla software (seamonky,thunderbird, pale moon, etc) when/if found end the task and try a clean.
If that doesn't work, then run a debug and post the resulting file to this thread
you are using a very old version.
the latest is v4.14.4707
upgrade and see if that helps.
you are using a very old version.the latest is v4.14.4707
upgrade and see if that helps.
Good catch I missed that