Program Hangs

Not sure if its something with the program, or a conflict with my computer, but everytime i run Recuva, it hangs around 13% and wont move. nadda. ill try again when i get home from work.

will be an awesome addition to our tool kits though! Thanks Mr.G! :)

Tried in safe mode?

on one of our systems Explorer(process) froze (no Start / task bar/ desktop access, ctrl alt del is unaccessable) while running a scan ~81.5% scan would have continued slowly it got to 81.6%

but i stopped the scan and regained access to explorer.

I had 1 Quickbooks and 2 Firefox Windows open alongside recuva, hard drive 40Gb 2+Gb free,

will try again with them programs closed.


Even with Qb closed and 2 Firefox windows open, it still stalls explorer


closed firefox.

Maybe its Nero InCD,or hard drive space.

I closed all unneeded and needed programs ie: antivirus(Nod32) firewall (Sunbelt Kiero -last freeware), spybot, google desktop, anti spam(popfile).


I ran the scan on some of our other partitions one 18GB with 2Gb free and it scanned fine, so i still have no idea why, may be some kind of system file/process recuva looks at while scanning C:\

Thank you very much for this new program. It is going to be a great one, but right now, for me, it hangs.

Computer description:

Win XP up to date.

2 GB ram

AMD Athlon X2 4800+ processor.

System info says 149 GB hard drive (probably 160?) with 95 GB free. NTFS

Western Digital external HD 80 GB with 33 GB free. NTFS

Hang problem:

both versions complete the external HD scan, report found files, files were recoverable.

ver. 1.01.017 would quickly scan to 50.1% on the PC, then hang. I left it alone for 20 minutes. Windows task manager said it was using much cpu and ram, but it wouldn't move.

ver. 1.01.021 will quickly scan to 84.4% on the pc, then hang. Windows task manager says it is working hard, but it won't move.

SoftPerfect's standalone file recovery program did the same thing, but wouldn't close, had to use the task manager to kill the process.

Well, there ya go, all I know to tell about it. If there is any other information which would help, let me know. Thanks again for CCleaner and Recuva. I furnish this information for the purpose of helping you tune this fine utility, not as a complaint.

Be Safe


I just got around to trying 1.01.021 today. and the problem has disappeared,

I reinstalled 1.01.017 again and the problem did not reoccur either.

don't know why but problem seems to be fixed for me.

Thanks again for great programs, recuva and CCleaner.

FYI: January 26, 2007, I tried the following to get Recuva to finish scanning:

uninstalled/reinstalled recuva 1.01.021.

Scan of c:\ goes to 86.8%, hangs

turned off Computer Assoc. antivirus, same result

turned off Computer Assoc firewall, same result

turned off Computer Assoc Pest Patrol, same result

turned off SpywareGuard, same result.

turned off SpywareBlaster, same result.

begged computer, same result.

error log says

*** *** ***

System Info: MS Windows XP SP2, AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+, 1.9GB RAM, ATI RADEON XPRESS 200 Series

failed with error: 0

OtherInfo:CMainDlg::OBClBnSc- Failed to scan drive.

Hope this helps.

Be safe

ran Recuva22.exe from c:\program files\recuva.

Scan Goes to 86.8%, hangs

error log says

failed with error: 0

OtherInfo:CMainDlg::OBClBnSc- Failed to scan drive.

have you tried restarting?

try installing the latest version over the old one...

I still have no idea why mine works now..

Try running a cleanup and a defrag (as long as you don't actually need to recover some files, or they might be corrupted)

have you tried restarting. . .installing. . .cleanup and a defrag?

Yes, thanks, tried reinstall, restart, turned everything off, scanned. Scan stops at 86.8%. System restore is set to use 12%. ???

Will indeed try a cleanup and defrag in the near future. Thanks

Hangs when it gets to 90% of C: drive scanned. Also hangs when it scans my other drives.

Strange development.

Recuva now works. Scan completes. Files are recoverable. Haven't changed a thing, same ver. of recuva, same computer, same coffee cup. . .

Only possible difference that I know of is that I turned system restore off, then back on. Soon after, Recuva worked.

Weird, I never touched system restore, phantom recuva bugs, :rolleyes:

Welcome to the otherside :lol: