When the computer start, as you can see none of the processes have an assiocated username such as "Eldmannen", "SYSTEM", "LOCAL SERVICE" or "NETWORK SERVICE" as supposed to.
But then if I wait some minute, then the usernames appears.
Anyone heard about anything like this before or know what the problem could be?
I've never seen or heard of that before. Have you not rebooted in awhile?
Don't know if this will be of any help however you can change the Update Speed by clicking: View -> Update Speed
Looking at the screenshot I wish the processes that I have that are identical used as little memory as yours.
"IEXPLORE.EXE"? Why Eldmannen, I'm surprised! You actually used Internet Explorer?!
As far as your problem goes, if restarting doesn't work like Andavari suggested (which I imagine it will, but just in case), then you could try clicking 'View', then 'Select Columns...', then uncheck the 'User Name' box, and then click 'OK'. Then, go back and recheck that box. That might refresh your list. Worth a shot, anyway...
I've never seen or heard of that before. Have you not rebooted in awhile?
Don't know if this will be of any help however you can change the Update Speed by clicking: View -> Update Speed
Looking at the screenshot I wish the processes that I have that are identical used as little memory as yours.
Oh, 19 processes there only, then when its loaded it has about 23.
I only have 256 mb RAM on this computer, and I dont like big bloaty things, so I use light-weight software, etc with as little bloat as possible. "Update Speed" is set to Normal.
Restart I do everyday. Cant sleep with the noise. ![;)]()
"IEXPLORE.EXE"? Why Eldmannen, I'm surprised! You actually used Internet Explorer?!
As far as your problem goes, if restarting doesn't work like Andavari suggested (which I imagine it will, but just in case), then you could try clicking 'View', then 'Select Columns...', then uncheck the 'User Name' box, and then click 'OK'. Then, go back and recheck that box. That might refresh your list. Worth a shot, anyway...
I use Firefox too. But I use IE more, its an 5-6 (?) year old computer, 900 MHz and 256 mb RAM. IE is loaded into the core of the system since Microsoft integrated it with the shell, so it starts up faster.
Start > Run > services.msc
Double-click Terminal Services, and set the Startup type to Manual. Then click Start to start the service.
"IEXPLORE.EXE"? Why Eldmannen, I'm surprised! You actually used Internet Explorer?!
who doesn't
. everyone uses it. don't think firefox users are an exception. IETab counts too ![:P]()
of coure i only use it for MTV Overdrive, Yahoo! Music, and Microsoft Updates
who doesn't
. everyone uses it. don't think firefox users are an exception. IETab counts too ![:P]()
of coure i only use it for MTV Overdrive, Yahoo! Music, and Microsoft Updates
Well, yes, I suppose that us FF users TECHNICALLY use IE when we bust out our IE Tab... but he had the "IEXPLORE.EXE" process running which means he was running the full-blown IE browser! THE HORROR!!!! I don't know what I'd do without all of my tasty tabbed goodness, my exotic extension assortment, and my sexy skin selections...
Sigh... I love FF...
i love Windows Live toolbar with tabbed support
as well as tabbed "IEXPLORER.EXE" version 7 ![:)]()
Start > Run > services.msc
Double-click Terminal Services, and set the Startup type to Manual. Then click Start to start the service.
It is already set to "Manual".
...as well as tabbed "IEXPLORER.EXE" version 7
Eh, beta browsers scare me. Specially after all the hell I've heard other users go through with it! I'll just stick with my unused, stable v.6 until they finalize v.7, and even then I'll probably still stick with FF... ![:P]()
@ Eldmannen: If it's already "Manual", that means it may or may not be turned on. Did you try starting the process after changing it's Startup Type?
@ DjLizard: Does Windows automatically start services that you have labeled as "Manual" without your permission? And if so, what then is the difference between Manual and Automatic for a service's Startup Type?
I assumed that if you set a service to manual, it wouldn't come on unless you "manually" turned it on, but I've set a number of my services to manual and stopped them for experimentation purposes, and later found them turned on again. Shouldn't Windows at least notify when a manual service needs to be used, and ask permission to use it? Or is what I'm saying impossible, and maybe Windows didn't really start those services? Sorry to get a little off topic, I was just curious. ![:)]()
I assumed that if you set a service to manual, it wouldn't come on unless you "manually" turned it on, but I've set a number of my services to manual and stopped them for experimentation purposes, and later found them turned on again. Shouldn't Windows at least notify when a manual service needs to be used, and ask permission to use it? Or is what I'm saying impossible, and maybe Windows didn't really start those services? Sorry to get a little off topic, I was just curious
Some services even though are set to Manual will be started by other services that are Automatic because they need some information from the Manual service.
Some services even though are set to Manual will be started by other services that are Automatic because they need some information from the Manual service.
Thanks! That's kinda what I figured, but that really seems kind of stupid. What is the point of setting a service to manual if under certain circumstances, it will start automatically anyway?
At the very least, it should notify the user before starting itself. Either that, or MS should just get rid of the Manual option and just stick with Automatic and Disabled.