I have never experienced this problem with any laptop i have ever seen it will not turn on the ac power light simply flashes yellow any suggestions on how to fix this problem would be greatly appreciated
How old is the laptop?
Sounds like the battery or charger could be bad.
Its about a year old but even when i plug it in to the power point it dosen't work
Never the less how would you fix the battery problem
If its still under warranty you should call the manufacturer and have them fix it. If it really is a battery issue the only way to fix it would be to get a new one.(If plugging it into the wall wont even allow it to power up then its more then likely the battery)
No i have two identical laptops and when i switch the batteries it does the same thing and when i take the battery out and only have it on AC power it does the same thing
What will the computer do? Just the power lights flash? Do the fans spin?
It could be a bad motherboard or processor as well. I don't think its the HD since the computer wont do anything at all.
No the light will just flash nothing else although the light flashes faster when i press the power button but i think its the motherboard
Could be a faulty power supply, though good luck dealing with any components in a laptop, they're really the consumer nightmare .
Did it just *happen*, with no precursor incident? No reason at all for occurring? I doubt the motherboard is at fault in this case.