Problems Starting Defraggler in Windows ME

Downloaded Defraggler to Windows ME operating system and download was successful, however when I try to execute the program, I received and error coded such as:


If anyone has any suggestions on how to resolve this would appreciate some suggestions.

Thank You

Looks like you are out of luck :(

Here are the system requirements

Defraggler isn't compatible with Win9x/ME it requires NT based Windows.

Use the built-in Windows defragging tool or run Defraggler via a BartPE CD.

Richard S.

neilp02, let's see if we can fix your problem! Looks like the others have give up on you here, but I too sometimes like to run an older OS for the sake of true DOS compatibility for one of my games that doesn't work in newer XP/Vista/7 even with compatibility mode switched on.

Try & see if you can run it after installing that program. Kernel EX is a project designed to allow programs that are normally for 2000/XP only, to work in 98 & ME as well.

How about posting back if it works for you, because to tell you the truth, I do have great ideas sometimes, just haven't gotten around to implement them all because of staying busy helping others. So, if this works, & I have helped you, do post back & let me know if you can get Defraggler working in Windows ME through the use of Kernel EX. I would be overjoyed if this does work, because it would be helping you, & it definitely would be something I would be interested in trying when I get time.

Thank you!