New member here, looking for a little help, please!
I've used CCleaner, including the registry cleaner, for some time without problems. It's a great program. But today I've had a problem. After cleaning I got an error message on start up. Stupidly, I didn't write it down word for word, but it was to the effect that there was a problem with Ingres 2.6/0305 and that clntproc.exe was trying to write to an unidentified address. The machine still booted up, but I was didn't want to leave it like that.
I ran a system restore and went through the cleaning process several times selecting just a few entries each time in order to identify the culprits. They are two "Invalid or empty file class" errors for:
Ingres_Client ... HKCR\Ingres_Client
Ingres_Database_II ... HKCR\Ingres_Database_II
I have no idea what Ingres is by the way!
If I clean these entries I get the problem. Can anyone tell me what's going on, please, and how to cure it? It's not the end of the world, I know, but I'd like to sort it!