sounds like you're using the harddrive you are attempting to recover from. are you trying to restore the files to the same drive they came from? Are you using the computer to do anything during or after the scan but prior to recovery?
I have scanned picture from my phone internal memory(SGS2), and than recover to the computer hard drive. So no, I dont try to recover the files to the drive they came from. And no, I didnt try to do anything while the recover and closed all other programs.
I don't have a smart phone, but I'm sure they must suffer similar indignities to a computer, and that is temp files created by apps.
Your phone, and/or it's apps will probably be writing to itself most of the time, and as Nergal suggests, this problem is usually a case of overwritten files.
I'm sure one or more of our smart phone users will confirm that or not.
(couple of notes, place " before c:\ and after recuva.exe, replace c:\program files\recuva with the location of your recuva, replace recuva.exe with recuva64.exe if your PC is 64-bit Windows)
I would like to demur. Whilst that specific hit may not be valid we can't rule out effects not related to Recuva, as those 25k hits for the search terms in quotes show.