Problem with HDD Seagate Momentus 5400.6 500GB


This is my first topic, so I'll try to explain my problem in details.

My hard disk stopped working, at first it was trying to boot windows but freezes. So I tried to scan and fix it with HDAT2 , booted from USB Hiren Boot CD. It showed "write fault" errors, after a whife I stopped it , because it was on 0% . I took out the HDD and plugged it onto another machine with USB cable. On the back of the HDD I notced that some elements on the circuit board are slightly damaged (burned). I ran HDD Regenerator. It was working all night and the number of founded bad sectors was over 27 000 at 0.40% of HDD scanned. I tought the HDD is dead , but ran also HD Tune Pro 5 - the Health status doesn't even show (at all) and scan errors is 100% damaged sectors. Finally I ran the Recuva ... and with a surprise I found on the one partition files (documents, photos, videos etc.) .I tried to recover them on the other HDD but a CRC errors occurred.

So my question is - is the circuit board of HDD damaged and should be replaced? Or the HDD is really dead.

I only want to recover my data, not run a OS on it.

Only a small minority of the members of this specific software application forum would have detailed knowledge that could assist you in getting any sort of data out of your HDD after it has suffered hardware damage.

You may find a far larger number of helpers available on a hardware oriented forum,

perhaps one centred on a specific manufacturer.

I suggest


if you can physically see burnt circuitry then, Yes, your PCB which contains the disk controller is most likely damaged.

if you're lucky, the disk platters inside may be OK, but you are into the realm of professional assistance required.

if you have no other backup, and have to have your data recovered, then it is time to fork out for paid recovery services.

a local mob here keeps spare PCB's for most drives and can replaced just the board if that is all that is required.

(I know some people who have used them, all their bills have been into the 4 digit sums)

If you have reached the end of the road with this then as a last ditch attempt fire up Hirens and see if Unstoppable Copier can see any files and copy them to another drive (it's listed under recovery tools)