problem with explorer.exe & icon

i have used CCleaner with advanced option, tray notification cache-user assist history-IIS log files

after cleaner, in my win xp, icon in my desktop not work, my recycle bin is hidden, in all directory "file, modify, favorite..." is hidden, in all directory standard button toolbar disappeared


i have used CCleaner with advanced option, tray notification cache-user assist history-IIS log files

after cleaner, in my win xp, icon in my desktop not work, my recycle bin is hidden, in all directory "file, modify, favorite..." is hidden, in all directory standard button toolbar disappeared


Hi swan-x,

Welcome to the forums. :lol:

The Advanced cleaning options are installed at "default " settings of "OFF".

These cleaning options are for Advanced users for special purposes.

Advanced does not mean "better" when it come to cleaning.

Turn off those Advanced cleaning options.

Many of your settings have now been reset.You will have to reset those settings.

We will need more specific information to help you.

CCleaner Beginner's Bookmark and save to Favorites

New Users Advice for CCleaner

Start here with this link and follow its advice.

Also see this link about the Registry and newbies.

Good luck,

:) davey

Welcome to Piriform swan_x.

Davey that's another reason for having an help file included in the installation package. I know there is online help but if you have no connection for some reason then you're stuffed. That way new users on CC startup could have the option to read the help before using CC. If they don't read the help file then it could be noted in the registry or ini file. That may stop users just clicking all options and running clean. Then they post here with bugs and problems.

Or it could give a brief explanation of what each checkbox/option does in a Statusbar or label when the users clicks or just holds the mouse over the object.

This as been disgust before but MrG doesn't like adding extra files because he wants to keep the package as small as possible. I would hardly think that 65Kb is going to break the bank. Plus I'm not sure if he knows how to write an help file because TwistedMetal made that one. ;)

This as been disgust before but MrG doesn't like adding extra files because he wants to keep the package as small as possible.
Keithuk, I like that Freudian slip.

I would hardly think that 65Kb is going to break the bank.
I guess dial-up users would object but there are plenty of Download Managers that can handle the extra bytes.
Keithuk, I like that Freudian slip.

I guess dial-up users would object but there are plenty of Download Managers that can handle the extra bytes.

Until recently, I struggled with dial-up. Regardless, I hated having to go online for help and I still do. I never purchase software of any kind that does not come with a good help file. CCleaner is about the only thing on my computer that doesn't have one. So - there's my twopence.

Oh yeah. I loved the Freudian slip too :D

i have used CCleaner with advanced option, tray notification cache-user assist history-IIS log files

after cleaner, in my win xp, icon in my desktop not work, my recycle bin is hidden, in all directory "file, modify, favorite..." is hidden, in all directory standard button toolbar disappeared


You could do a system restore to a date just before you did the clean.

system restore not work...