Problem with CCleaner and Outlook Express

There seems to be a bug in the works.

I "analize/clean the windows/applications", and then "scan for issues/fix selected issues". Then when I go to Outlook Express, nothing is in the message body of any emails, including; inbox, sent items, deleted items, etc, etc.

In every email, the only thing that is shown is in the lines; From, Date, To, Subject, Attachment.

The message body of every email is blank. This was very frustrating to lose all my messages.

However, I have found if I restart the computer all the messages come back. Can anyone help with this odd problem. I lose my O.E. messages everytime I do a scan, but if I restart they all come back.

Thanks for your time,


Make sure outlook is closed while using ccleaner, thats my only guess. I havent ever had this problem on any machine I put ccleaner on.

I always close all other programs when doing any kind of virus scan, spyware scan, etc.

By the way I forgot to include my O.S. etc.

MS Win XP sp2

Using Administrator accout

Just recently installed CCleaner 1.26.218 on 3/19/06

Downloaded from

I have not tried running CCleaner in Safe mode, (what is the advantage?).

I always close all other programs when doing any kind of virus scan, spyware scan, etc.

By the way I forgot to include my O.S. etc.

MS Win XP sp2

Using Administrator accout

Just recently installed CCleaner 1.26.218 on 3/19/06

Downloaded from

I have not tried running CCleaner in Safe mode, (what is the advantage?).

Welcome audionut22 :)

See if downloading the current version helps. v1.28 ;)

Sorry I forgot to provide the link. It is here.

Let us know if you continue to experience any problems.

I just downloaded the update 1.28.277, then cleaned windows/applications and scanned for issues. I then opened O.E. and all my messages were intact, they did not disappear. Therefore I did not have to restart my computer to get my messages back.

Having just downloaded CCleaner for the first time on3/19/06, I hope this upgrade fixed the problem.

I initially did a search for problems with O.E. with CCleaner and found no previous posts. Has this been a problem for anyone else?

Thanks for your time!

A few people had that OE problem. Except I don't think that the messeges were reappearing after rebooting. If I remember correctly, that problem cropped up with v1.26. I'm not positive about that though.

Overall, it isn't a common problem. I'm glad that it's working for you! :D

Outlook Express is not a good idea from a security point of view, if you use it you can get much trouble with worms, viruses and crap.

You should try Mozilla Thunderbird.
