Pro version trial-Win Explorer file opening option can't be changed -Win7 HomeP.

Last week I made the driver updates (Pro version free trial) and now the way of opening the Win Explorer (all folders) changed from my previous setting - now each folder opens in its OWN NEW window, which is driving me crazy because now I have many windows opened (as I usually have several sub folders ...).

Of course I have tried to change it in the settings but it ignores it completely and doesn't work?!

What I want is each folder to replace the old opened one.

I do with my mouse (but have checked the Ctrl button and it's not stuck...).

I work in Win7 Home Premium. Everything else works.

pls, advise and help asap. thanks in advance!


@AnraThe fix for this old Windows 7 problem is to use regsvr32 to re-register two Windows proxy DLLs (actxprxy.dll

and ieprxy.dll) and restart Windows. See the following Microsoft forum topic from 2010 for the simple fix (using short

.bat/.cmd script) and detailed explanation of the problem.


There is so much text to read but I managed to find one or two sentences that seems to give the solution but I don't quite understand it:

"the solution is to create the follwing .cmd file and execute it, after execution imnmediately reboot !"

"You must use regsvr32 to re-register the two proxy DLLs (actxprxy.dll and ieprxy.dll), thenreboot

You can use the upper batch file (.cmd file) to do this.

You must run this batch file with administrative privileges (right click on the file and choose Run as administrator)"

Pls, advise, how to I create that cmd file?

Maybe you could qoute here what exactly must I do (steps) please?

Thank you for your quick answer !

@AnraDownload attached file, Register_DLLs_Actxprxy_and_Ieproxy.bat (contents also shown immediately below),

to Downloads folder or Desktop or folder of your choice.

@echo off

:: 32 bit and 64 bit
IF EXIST "%SystemRoot%\System32\actxprxy.dll" "%SystemRoot%\System32\regsvr32.exe" "%SystemRoot%\System32\actxprxy.dll"
IF EXIST "%ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll" "%SystemRoot%\System32\regsvr32.exe" "%ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll"

:: 64 bit only (32bit on 64 bit)
IF EXIST "%WinDir%\SysWOW64\actxprxy.dll" "%WinDir%\SysWOW64\regsvr32.exe" "%WinDir%\SysWOW64\actxprxy.dll"
IF EXIST "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll" "%WinDir%\SysWOW64\regsvr32.exe" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll"

Go to this chosen folder or Desktop, right click file and "Run as administrator", entering password if prompted.

Restart Windows (Start -> Shutdown -> Restart) and then test fix using Windows Explorer.

Good luck!


Thank you for this simple explanation, I understood it all now. Unfortunately, it still doesn't work.

I have also tried (again) to change the settings to 'open in the new window' with Apply and then changed it back with Apply and OK buttons, to open it IN THE SAME window. But nothing happens.

Pls, can anybody check what this could be as it happened as I said, after I'd chosen the option to dl new drivers in free trial for Ccleanear Pro...?


Thanks again, but -again- no change. All is the same as after the previous attempt.

Any other suggestions? Pls, help.

Did you also try 'Restore defaults' from Folder Options?

Reboot afterwards.

Yes, I did but nothing has changed. Thanks anyway.

Hi @Anra It's possible this can be resolved with the System File Checker in Windows, using the following steps:

  1. Click Start > All Programs > Accessories
  2. Right-click Command Prompt > click "Run as Administrator"
  3. Type and enter:

Thanks but there's no such option ( pls see pic attached) or am I doing something wrong?

drivers ccleaner prob Accessor.jpg


Open the taskmanager.

At the very top click File.. then click Run new task.

In the box that opens type cmd and tick the box which says run with admin privileges.

Then you should be able to type where the cursor if flashing and press Enter to run it.



But there isn't a box which says run with admin privileges (see pic)

I've tried to type CMD and then SFC/SCANNNOW anyway, but (although the very small typing) it said I have to be Admin...

Any other suggestions??

Task man scan admin prob.jpg

@AnraWhat type of account is showing for you when you look in Control Panel...User Accounts.

Is it a Standard User.. Admin ....or Guest?


user acc admin.jpg


It looks like your permissions may be a bit corrupt.

Do none of these suggestions here work for you?

If none of them do, then I would suggest (as a test) going into user accounts, making a new user, make it an admin user, and then boot into it. No need to give it a password at this stage

I suspect everything would work for you then.

If not, just boot into your original account and delete the test one

I've tried the link you've suggested, made the first steps mentioned and it works!!!! (see pic attached)


Now, just out of curiosity - what was wrong, and what have I exactly done to repair it??

(just in case I need something like that again in the future, although I'll try not to mess with the drivers again)

Much obliged.

sys repairs.jpg


As you can see, I've also managed to find how to change the letters' size to the bigger ones in '...Cmd.exe' ... ?


I doubt it was really anything you did wrong as such.

Computers are just so weird at times:lol:

What about your original query (the folder options one) Is that okay now?

By the way that link I gave you is from the alphabetical sevenforum tutorials, a treasure trove of info for you to browse at your leisure.

(P.S. I agree with the bit you said about staying away from the driver updater)

oh, sorry if I was nor clear - it works with opening IN THE SAME window now-that's what I ment!

My q.was what exactly was the cause this option to open files in the same window not to respond after I have chosen the 'Drivers update' option as an opportunity during free Pro Ccleaner tryal period


what have I exactly done to repair it with that 'Scannow' option you suggested (which offered me to see the log but I didn't imediately understood how to open/see it nor am I skilled to read it anyway) ??



Hi @Anra Thanks for the updates on this as I am delighted to hear of how folders are opening in the same window now, rather than a new one.

The SFC scan you performed repairs/replaces corrupted Windows system files, therefore this would indicate that something caused system file corruption.

However I'm not yet certain of if or how Driver Updater would have caused this type of problem to occur as driver update installations are seemingly unrelated to the system files that would control folder options in Windows.

To help us investigate further, would you be willing to attach the following file when you reply?
