Preventing Deletion of Particular Registry Key

I need to prevent Ccleaner from deleting a CD Key used to open a program I recently purchased. I used the following string when setting this up to exclude a Reg file: HKLM ExcludeKey1=REG|HKCU\Software\SageKey Software

It never lets me click on OK. What is the correct string I need to use?

Hi MamaSchantz, and welcome to Piriform.

Two ways to exclude a registry key.

The easiest way is if the key pops up in CCleaners "Issues" (registry) scan. Simply right click the key and select "Add To Exclude List".

The second way is to use CCleaners "Exclude" feature.

Go to "Options\Exclude\Registry Key". Press the browse button which pops up this window:

Select the relevant registry hive in the small window, and paste the key address in the large window, and then delete the registry hive name from the beginning of the address you've just pasted (otherwise it's duplicated). The "OK" button should then become active.

Why it's so fiddly is beyond me, but it works.

Hope that helps, but post back if you have any problems with that.

If CCleaner won't let you exclude there's also one other way to forcefully input the exclusion, although you'll have to enter it manually:

  1. Start CCleaner, then go into 'Options->Advanced' and tick: Save all settings to INI file
  2. Close CCleaner, then go into the folder where CCleaner is installed, now open CCleaner.ini
  3. Manually input your exclusion, examples:

    Exclude1=REG|HKCU\Software\SageKey Software

    Exclude2=REG|HKLM\Software\SageKey Software

Note the Exclude numbering! Exclude1, Exclude2, etc., they have to be numbered according to any other exclusions you already have inputted into CCleaner otherwise exclusions wont' work.