Prevent Onedrive password to be deleted

Good afternoon all,

What setting in Ccleaner Professional should I change in order to prevent need to re-enter the Onedrive password for the desktop program of Onedrive ?

Merry Christmas

Ho Ho Ho


Have you possibly enabled the "Network Passwords" option (Custom Clean > Windows > Windows Explorer)?

Thanks Michael. Merry Christmas !!!

Yes I have, is this the reason the Onedrive password is deleted ?

When logged into Onedrive and choosing the Ccleaner option Analyze Network Passwords the result is 0 Bytes To Be Removed. Doesn't that indicate there is nothing to be deleted ?

<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Doesn't that indicate there is nothing to be deleted ?

Not necessarily.

CCleaner cannot remove things that are open/being used.

So if your onedrive connection is open then CCleaner might not see anything that it can clean.

TBH though I'm not sure just how onedrive works these days, one of the first things I did when Microsoft brought it out was disable it.

(I'll keep my files local on <u>my</u> hard drives, not in the cloud where they could be more easily hacked).

A couple of questions-

Are you using the registry cleaner section of CCleaner?

Are you using Health Check or Custom Clean?

Good morning Powered. Thanks for your assistance

I will try unticking the box and see what happens.

> (I'll keep my files local on my hard drives, not in the cloud where they could be more easily hacked).

Carrying hardrives around 24/7. Connecting them to a phone, laptop, tablet and other peoples computer systems is of course technically quite difficult and in my humble opinion a lot more unsafe way of working.

> Are you using the registry cleaner section of CCleaner?

Yes, most of the time.

> Are you using Health Check or Custom Clean?

Yes, but most of the time custom clean.

I decided to test all the options mentioned in the posts above (custom clean, registry clean, network password, health check)

Did them all and rebooted in-between but to my surprise could not replicate the problem.

The password gets deleted a couple of limes a week and I assumed it was ccleaner. But now it seems it might not be ccleaner afterall.

16 hours ago, GeneralLee01 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Yes I have, is this the reason the Onedrive password is deleted ?

The option "Network Passwords" clears the Windows Vault. This is where most Windows and Microsoft credentials are usually stored.

16 hours ago, GeneralLee01 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		... Doesn't that indicate there is nothing to be deleted ?

As nukecad has already written, not necessarily. "0 Bytes" is also always shown if, for example, only registry entries were cleaned. And sometimes "Analyze" thinks that it cannot delete a file, although it is then deleted via "Run Cleaner".

But anyway, the problem fortunately no longer occurs.

Good morning Michael,

> But anyway, the problem fortunately no longer occurs.

That is incorrect. The problems still occurs. But it seems ccleaner is not the culprit.

Being honest most of us don't use the registry cleaner in CCleaner anymore, it isn't needed with modern devices.

With Windows 10 especially, running a registry cleaner can cause problems.

Windows 10 is constantly evolving and changes the registry entries more often than older Windows versions did.

(On this forum we do ocassionally see problems caused by registry cleaning).

Here's what Microsoft say about registry cleaning:

Hope you can track down whatever is causing you to be logged out of onedrive.

It may be something as simple as a Windows Defender definition update, I had that for a while where an automatic Defender definition update would log me out of my network connection so I had to reconnect, don't know why it did that but it doesn't do it anymore here.

Hi Nukecad. I am not sure who the "us" is you are writing about. Is that a hand full of Whizzkids in these forum or is that the avarage ccleaner user ?

I am using a modern device. But reguarly , I run the registry cleaner evety couple of weeks or so, ccleaner finds hundreds of entries that can be deleted. Especially after uninstalling software.

I do trust the ccleaner software and allow the tool to delet these entries. And of course that also realy speeds up the system ?


'Us' is computer users in general, or at least those users who know about the registry.

Did you actually read that Microsoft article?

Deleting leftover entries after an uninstall is one of the valid uses for a registry cleaner, but unless they are very unusual then they are not slowing down your machine and can be left there.

Anyone who claims that a registry cleaner will free up space and/or speed up your computer is telling porkies. It may have helped with Win 7 or earlier but things move on.

> Did you actually read that Microsoft article?

Yes I read the "article". Basically an empty article where Microsoft tells us:

- Not needed

- At your own risk

- Make a backup

I trust the ccleaner team. When they think it might be good and helpfull I use it.

> 'Us' is computer users in general, or at least those users who know about the registry.

Well that is me both times !

21 minutes ago, GeneralLee01 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		I trust the ccleaner team. When they think it might be good and helpfull I use it. 

That's your choice of course.

You may be interested in the latest thinking on the registry cleaner from the CCleaner team:

Thanks Nukecad.

Not really interested. You have made your point