Premium membership

Hi folks. I signed up to a years cover on my phone. But I have a tablet and laptop and may log into any device. I’ve had a license before but now I find after paying for a year, it’s now a two tier membership. Another £19.99!? All that used to be included in one price. Well all that’s made me decide to use Bleachbit and other free tools on windows and I’ll find a cheaper app on Android. CCleaner, I’ve got about 35/40 people in my area to buy your app. I’ll be directly speaking to them all about renewal as I have all the dates on a spreadsheet as I manage people’s devices using TeamViewer and i also am a major purchasor of hardware and software. I also install and manage CCTV. You’ll be losing 49 renewals this year when I add my family members to that list. Some have been members 5 years. Well I know over the next 5 years I’ll be directing £5000 away from you. I’ve worked in IT 40 years. I know how to boycott a company and leave the users more secure and better off. Notice it’s difficult to actually email you. So I’ll be leaving it at this message unless someone can give me an email. I’d like a word with the marketing team. This is wrong.

Email is

and website contact is

Just to note they if you have purchased CCleaner fro Android from the Play Store, rather that activating it with a milti-device CCleaner licence (the Pro Plus, or Premium licences are multi-device), then it is Google who you pay for the Play Store purchased one, and for it’s yearlt renewal.

That may explain why you have been asked to pay twice - once to CCleaner for the ‘normal’ licence subscription, and then once to Google for the Play Store subscription.