Power Supply Monitor feature missing ?

Hi Piriformers

Just upgraded from free version to SPECCY pro ,

and was hoping that the PRO upgrade would include info on the Power Supply?

( haven't noticed much of any differences at all to tell the trute )

I have an HP desktop with a fairly small PS only 240W  ,

I would like to know how close I am to maxing it out ?

I'm trying to recover my data from a FRIED pc on a 2TB seagate drive . 

I have temporarily replaced the ( HP SATA CD drive) with the 2TB Seagate disk.

It is up and running in the HP using the sata power , and I don't smell anything burning yet ..... 


Is  / should  a POWER monitor available ?     

Or am I missing something ?

Thanks, Oldwingratbike 

Boston Ma  

