popup notification

With the professional version, I get a popup in the lower bottom of the screen indicating that a browser has closed. How do I stop seeing that?

Got to Options>Smart Cleaning and under 'Enable Automatic browser cleaning' you will see your browsers listed.

To the right of them is a box with an action and an arrow to drop down the various actions.

You can set a different action for each browser - to do nothing, to monitor and notify you if there is something to be cleaned, or to clean on closing the browser either with or without a notification.

Selecting 'Clean on closing without notification' would still clean the browser when you close but will not show you a message that has done.

Or you could tell it to do nothing in which case the browser will not be automatically cleaned on closing.

Or you could untick 'Enable automatic browser cleaning' and your browsers would then only be cleaned when you run CCleaner.