Popup Notice - Recycle Bin Corrupted

I have v2.01.507 running on XP SP2 and a 2.66MHz machine w/ 1GB Ram.

When selecting the "Run Cleaner" button, I get a popup indicating that one of my Network Storage Drive's Recycle Bins are corrupted. (It's not)

This started after I reinstalled everything on my new HD after a HD failure a couple weeks ago. I seem to recall I had this issue a couple years ago - but cannot remember how to correct it.

Thank you,


Hello MnM3,

Click on the link below.

Click on Add to Favorites and save it in a NEW Folderi called FIX AND TIPS LINKS.

You have probably been to this website before.It is a SAFE site to use for Fixes and Tips.

I provide this info not only for you but also for the many new and old PC users that come to this forum for help and advice.

Now Click on A-Z in the left column menu.

Click "R" in the alphabet selection.

Now scroll down to "Recycle Bin".

Now you can read,remember and learn as regards your problem.

Kelly also has links to other SAFE sites for fixes,advice and such.


Don't forget to put a link to Piroform forum also into your Favorites folders.


Good Luck,

:) davey


Thanks for the Kelly site. It is a very good site and I have seen it. I rebookmarked it.

As to my problem. As I was researching the fix I noticed I had a hidden folder called NPROTECT in the recycler folders of both network drives. Doh!!

That was my problem - leftover fuzz from Norton. NPROTECT is a program that allows a second chance to restore something deleted from the standard Windows Recycle Bin.

I never reinstalled Norton (long story and why I had to reinstall everything from scratch in the first place...) to my main computer so the my guess is the leftover NPROTECT exe was causing the problem.

I just forgot to remove NPROTECT from both network drive recycle bins. Oops!

After deleting both NPROTECTs, I ran CCleaner and all seems well.

Lesson learned. Thanks for everything.


Hi MnM3,

Coincidentally I was researching the same subject last night.

Thanks again for your reply.Especially as this information will help out other users with

the same or similar problem.

Appreciate it,

:) davey