Poll Idea...

How many users check off the 'Advanced' options? How many leave them alone?

Personally, I delete everything except for the prefetch data, but that's another topic (one that's been dealt with extensively). But I've seen posts where admins/advanced users tell new users to leave the advanced section alone. It would be interesting to see how people deal with the advanced section, and the rationale behind their thoughts.


All i have to say on the matter is each to there own. I have custom files checked thats it.

You saying you have WFS checked every time you run ccleaner? How often do you run it?

Advanced is best treated with caution.

Like ident I have custom files, that's it.

I personally have the Advanced option all checked except the Wipe Free Space. If you do not worry about custom folder views on Windows Explorer or the list of recently opened files and programs on the Start Menu and the tray history of tray icons on the side panel, having all categories under Advanced checked except Wipe Free Space should be fine. You do get a lot of rubbish from the Advanced category but the Wipe Free Space should be given the most caution.

Being able to go in and thoroughly clean everything is one of the things I love about CCleaner, and I definitely take advantage of every option available. It's nice to run it every once in a while and get that almost brand-new feeling on my computer... no cookies, no temp files, no list of recent programs or documents.... ah. Clean, empty clean emptiness. What could be better? :)

overuse of wipefreespace will kill the HDD early. I use some of Advanced always others ONY WHEN I NEED THEM.

I use some of Advanced always others ONLY WHEN I NEED THEM.


What's the problem with CCleaner clearing the IIS logs under 64-bit? Is this generic or OS specific? Not that I'm running IIS and if I was I wouldn't be wiping the logs with CCleaner (nothing against CCleaner) ... but I'd like to know what the issue is.

overuse of wipefreespace will kill the HDD early. I use some of Advanced always others ONY WHEN I NEED THEM.

Really? How does overuse of Wiping Freespace decrease HDD lifespan?

Is there an interval length you would suggest?

Really? How does overuse of Wiping Freespace decrease HDD lifespan?

You are writing a ton of data to the drive each and every time you use WFS (it writes a super large file filled with zeros then destroys (delete bypassing Recycle bin) that file. A Hard drive can withstand a finite amount of writes.

Is there an interval length you would suggest?

no, because I find WFS to be an evil feature of CCleaner and do not support the Devs bending to "popular" DEMAND and adding it, especially to the cleaner section (at the very most it should be in tools or it's own program)

The ONLY time I would suggest using it is when selling the computer, and even then I've not tested the efficacy of Formating a drive>reinstalling the OS>running WFS and then checking with a variety of Recovery software (I've got Recuva, Disk Digger, Restoration 2.5.14, EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard 5.0.1 and Runtime GetDataBack for NTFS)

Thanks! I had been running WFS every time I used CCleaner, but it sounds like I should definitely avoid it. Thanks for the tip :)

Thanks! I had been running WFS every time I used CCleaner, but it sounds like I should definitely avoid it. Thanks for the tip :)

Regardless of wear and tear. It's pointless running it daily. Weekly even monthly(if ever until sold?) for the every day general use user.

All I have checked is Custom Files and Folders. I don't use anything else in Advanced.

overuse of wipefreespace will kill the HDD early. I use some of Advanced always others ONY WHEN I NEED THEM.

How come your CCleaner has that Windows Update Logs and Msconfig options???

How come your CCleaner has that Windows Update Logs and Msconfig options???

Copy Paste the following into a blank text file and save as (allfilestype) Winsys2.ini

;  3001 = Internet Explorer
;  3002 = Windows Explorer
;  3003 = System
;  3004 = Advanced

;Or simply enter text to create a custom section
:LangSecRef=My Section

[*Search Assistant Autocomplete]
Detect=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Search Assistant
RegKey1=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Search Assistant\ACMru

[*Icon Cache]
FileKey1=%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data|IconCache.db

[Config.msi Folder]

; Removes the MSConfig.exe ExpandFrom and ExpandTo MRU list after
; using the Expand File feature (aka .cab file extraction tool).
; Also removes MSConfig from autostarting when Windows does after
; you’ve intentionally disabled a Start Up program.
Detect=HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig
RegKey1=HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig\ExpandFrom
RegKey2=HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig\ExpandTo

[Windows Update Logs]