pls pick me a free AV:)

Sorry about this periodic post, my EZantivirus is expired, so I'll go abck to those free AVs, my current list is AVGfree which is my previous choice, AVAST and new antivir7.0, which is your choice?

You can renew your eTrust with a different email address.

You can renew your eTrust with a different email address.

thanks, but I think I'll stick to those free ones, besides, I found some weird problems happened in opera I suspect they might be occurred by eTrust, though eTrust worked nicely on my box.

thanks, but I think I'll stick to those free ones, besides, I found some weird problems happened in opera I suspect they might be occurred by eTrust, though eTrust worked nicely on my box.

I have heard of that before.

Sorry about this periodic post, my EZantivirus is expired, so I'll go abck to those free AVs, my current list is AVGfree which is my previous choice, AVAST and new antivir7.0, which is your choice?

Well, if it makes any difference, I personally use AVG Free, and I like it. The GUI isn't too confusing, it updates frequently, and it isn't a resource hog.

AVG Free for me too. i've tried both eZ-AV and Avast but both of them use up way too much resources. AVG however, uses up less memory, and it also has nice Virus detection(it's detected something while my dad was using IE and immediatly deleted it).

I'll personally be switching to AVG Free in about one month.

1 avast vote from me (with Custom installation > turning off services you won't use, and turning off skins)

1 avast vote from me (with Custom installation > turning off services you won't use, and turning off skins)

i currently use eztrust and am satisfied. i used avg in the past and also like it. might give avast a shot next.

does anyone have a comparison as to how much memory/resources each uses?

i've tried both eTrust and Avast. both of em use around the same memory usage. but AVG uses the least ammount.

i currently use eztrust and am satisfied. i used avg in the past and also like it. might give avast a shot next.

does anyone have a comparison as to how much memory/resources each uses?

I've tried avast!, AVG Free, and Avira AntiVir all within a two day period and all seem to run similarly on my WinXP system which has 1GB RAM. I didn't notice any so-called performance impact from any of them, even when configuring the resident shields to scan All Files. I currently have AVG Free on my Win98 system and it's the only antivirus that system has ever had that doesn't make it run sluggish.

The reason I'm going to use AVG Free is because it rarely gives false positives. I've accumlated at least 3-4 years usage of AVG Free from v6 to v7 on my Win98 system and WinXP system and only once has it given a false positive which Grisoft fixed within a week after I submitted the false positive file. I also like the fact that it has incremental updates and that it can download any program updates without having to download a new setup file. The only complaint I have about AVG are the crappy looking graphics in the main application which could use more bits per pixel so that they don't look so aweful.

I have tested them all, looking for free on-demand AV working fine without services.

1. Antivir - most likely it has best detection, but it has great problems with updating, it caused to loose my net connection 2 times, I had to do Windows clean instal due to it.

2. AVG Free - great detection, no problems at all, I consider it as the best freeware AV.

3. Avast - well it detects something, but I would use it as the last option.

MWAV is good for on-demand scan, it uses Kaspersky engine, it does not delete anything, but it found almost everything, even that there are a few false posivites.

Look at Jotti's malware scan and refresh that page a few times, it shows, how all AVs dealed with the lastest scanned file. Some results are really interesting, like AVG is pretty good in trojan detection. You can also check AV-Comaparatives tests.

I'm on the one-year trial with eTrust. I've turned on several friends to it also. I was about to suggest it to someone again, but when I checked the website today, I can't find the one-year trial listed. Did they stop it?

eTrust EZ Antivirus. Microsoft Windows Security Center Antivirus Partners.

Note: "Computer Associates reserves the right to retract this offer at any time."

Thanks Tom

thanks, but I think I'll stick to those free ones, besides, I found some weird problems happened in opera I suspect they might be occurred by eTrust, though eTrust worked nicely on my box.

Since the InoculateIT PE days to EZAV running on both Win98 and WinXP after I run a scan it does something to either my memory or resources and causes my system to run sluggish with allot of disk thrashing which causes me to reboot after a scan. Which is yet another reason I'll switch to AVG Free.

I'd still like to know what's so good about avast!, I asked a forum member (whom I won't mention) in a thread and in a PM but have never got an answer, I won't beg. If anyone else knows what's so good about avast! please say so.

Since the InoculateIT PE days to EZAV running on both Win98 and WinXP after I run a scan it does something to either my memory or resources and causes my system to run sluggish with allot of disk thrashing which causes me to reboot after a scan. Which is yet another reason I'll switch to AVG Free.

I'd still like to know what's so good about avast!, I asked a forum member (whom I won't mention) in a thread and in a PM but have never got an answer, I won't beg. If anyone else knows what's so good about avast! please say so.

I never tried avast (cus I'm lazy:), now I'm using antivir7.0, it works fine except the update issue, sometimes the update process just pisses people off as the previous version, although I might probably still stick with it for a while (cus I'm lazy;)

it's funny(also stupid u might think) that I previously used avgfree, the reason I dropped it is just because it never reported... sometime I really expect some detections as reminding me that I have a AV running in the background:D) ...maybe it's time to go back to this baby...

I'm using antivir7.0, it works fine except the update issue

I liked AntiVir 7 however that update issue is exactly the reason I didn't test it for very long, the need to manually download a signature file should be a long forgotten issue.