please wait while updates your configuration files

every time i boot up I get the message:

"please wait while setup updates your configuration files.

completed updating files, continuing to load windows"

on the boot screen. This usually happens when I install a new piece of software that requires a reboot

This problem happens in both Windows 98SE and Windows XPSP2.

I suspect it is caused by CCleaner, because it starts happening when I install ccleaner.

Also, I am having trouble installing some new softwares in Windows XP because the OS tells me that "a previous install requires a reboot" and it shuts down the installer.

CCleaner is a great program I use it all the time and I appreciate all the work that everyone involved did to make it so great.

However it is crippling my computer. =(

Are you saying this happens only when you run ccleaner or all the time?

I don't think ccleaner is doing this. What other software do you have on both machines? (are you using the same reg cleaner, ect?)

Thank you for your reply.

It is actually the same computer, i have only recently upgraded to win XP.

Everytime I boot the machine it tells me it is updating the config files....and I am fairly certain that this strange behaviour starts after installing ccleaner. (Also, I should note that I check "run ccleaner when system starts" in the options menu.) With win98 it wasn't a problem, I could always install software. With WinXP however it will not let me install certain softwares without a reboot...and a reboot does not clear up the problem. It tells me that "a previously installed program requires a reboot" or some such error.

I have done some searching and I wonder if this problem is related to the "index.dat" problem people have been having?


I will try uninstalling ccleaner - I am guessing it will resolve the problem. After which I will get back to you with the result.

Thanks again and ccleaner is a great proggy.

I forgot to mention that I don't use any registry cleaner other than ccleaner's reg cleaner, and that I am using ccleaner 1.26.218.

will get back to you with the results of the uninstall.

I think you have to disable "run ccleaner when system starts" after you install software that requires a reboot. CCleaner is probably wiping executables from a temp file before they're run to finalize the install.

You should be able to re-enable afterwards. I have no idea what it may have done to the stuff you've already tried to install.

I think you have to disable "run ccleaner when system starts" after you install software that requires a reboot. CCleaner is probably wiping executables from a temp file before they're run to finalize the install.

Actually that sounds like a very plausible explanation...

I was able to install the software I was having problmems with simply by unchecking "runccleaner at system startup" and rebooting.

one day I will have to reformat and reinstall my OS. I will pay closer attention to this and see if I can narrow it down definitively.

Like I said ccleaner is great software and the support I have encountered in this forum is top notch, thanks for the replies and suggestions.

Anytime something is added to the PendingFileRenameOperations in the registry under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager" it will cause that message to display. I see it constantly on my old Win98 system since I use CCleaner every session. I've never noticed it on my WinXP system since I don't have it set to display the booting process.