Please im going mad here

I am running this program now in the hope that my stupid mistake can be undone

ive been working non stop for the past 2 months on a flash cartoon for college and today

in class when i was deleting the preview files which are swf files, i also deleted my flp file

and all my work is gone i know im an idiot i should have backed it up !

is there any way of me getting this file back if this program cant find it ?

im so depressed right now

il give some more info here

i have a windows vista sp 1 , i deleted the file to the recycle bin from my 2nd partition

then right clicked and emptied the bin, without checking what files id deleted.

i done it today like an hour ago , but when i restarted my computer after i deleted them

i didnt notice i deleted it at the time my computer slowed down so i thought id reboot

then when i went to open my project again i noticed it was gone.

Will this cause me any problems ?

Don't use your pc at all if you can help it, the more it's used the more likely the deleted file will be overwritten. Download Recuva on another pc and install on a flash drive (the portable version). Plug in the flash and run a Recuva scan.

In Vista files that are deleted via the recycler are renamed, if only I could remember in what form. Ah, good old Google. They are renamed to $Ixxxxx.ext and $Rxxxxx.ext, the x's being randon chars and the ext being the file extension. Both files are the same name except for the I/R. You will have to guess, going on extension, size and date deleted, which is the one you want. Recover both to the flash drive. Plug the flash in the spare pc and look at the files. If you have found it, thank Recuva and do a backup next time. If not then a Recuva deep scan might do the trick, but it also might be too late.

Don't use your pc at all if you can help it, the more it's used the more likely the deleted file will be overwritten. Download Recuva on another pc and install on a flash drive (the portable version). Plug in the flash and run a Recuva scan.

In Vista files that are deleted via the recycler are renamed, if only I could remember in what form. Ah, good old Google. They are renamed to $Ixxxxx.ext and $Rxxxxx.ext, the x's being randon chars and the ext being the file extension. Both files are the same name except for the I/R. You will have to guess, going on extension, size and date deleted, which is the one you want. Recover both to the flash drive. Plug the flash in the spare pc and look at the files. If you have found it, thank Recuva and do a backup next time. If not then a Recuva deep scan might do the trick, but it also might be too late.

its ok it worked i love who ever made this recovery program i owe you so much i love who ever made it i will have man babies for them !

god i dont think ive felt so happy phew , i got it back theres just one or two little things missing from the animation but i can fix that god im going to back this up a million times now thanks for the reply !

thank you pirifirm or piriform what ever letter the pear is supose to be :D