Sun, 16 Nov 2008
Hi All!
[Not sure if this is the correct Forum for my request, but this is the first time I'm posting here.]
I have been using CCleaner for over a year & like most of us it has worked really well...until recently.
Here's my relevant data from my most recent scan:
ANALYSIS COMPLETE - (15828.670 secs)
CLEANING COMPLETE - (9725.296 secs)
79.3MB removed.
It never used to take this long to scan or clean, but this has occurred only recently.
I run a Dell Inspiron 6000 with:
100Gb Hard Drive
MS Windows XP Home SP2
Intel Pentium M 2.13 GHz
AVG Internet Security Suite
I have two external hard drives (500Gb & 100Gb) that are sometimes attached when I run CCleaner. Whether these are attached or not makes no difference in the Analysis or Clean time.
Web Browsers installed & their Cache Sizes (I use each for different things.):
Firefox 3.0.4--50Mb
IE 7.0.5730.11--100Mb
Apple Safari 3.1.2 (525.21)--5Mb (Default Database Maximum Size)
I have read some of the other posts on this site recommending reverting back to a previous CCleaner installation version--I did this (currently using v.2.10.618) & it helped on the first Analysis only. Subsequent have taken a super long time. I have not found any other postings that have helped so I thought I should ask directly. I normally do not use my computer while running CCleaner so it can do its thing unencum bered by me.
Does anyone know if CCleaner loads, Analyzes, & Cleans faster if run from a Flash Drive using the portable version?
Any thoughts, insights, or recommendations to resolve my dilemma would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance for your help!