Please help: CCleaner takes a super long time to Analyze & Run Clean

Sun, 16 Nov 2008

Hi All!

[Not sure if this is the correct Forum for my request, but this is the first time I'm posting here.]

I have been using CCleaner for over a year & like most of us it has worked really well...until recently.

Here's my relevant data from my most recent scan:

ANALYSIS COMPLETE - (15828.670 secs)

CLEANING COMPLETE - (9725.296 secs)

79.3MB removed.

It never used to take this long to scan or clean, but this has occurred only recently.

I run a Dell Inspiron 6000 with:

100Gb Hard Drive


MS Windows XP Home SP2

Intel Pentium M 2.13 GHz

AVG Internet Security Suite

I have two external hard drives (500Gb & 100Gb) that are sometimes attached when I run CCleaner. Whether these are attached or not makes no difference in the Analysis or Clean time.

Web Browsers installed & their Cache Sizes (I use each for different things.):

Firefox 3.0.4--50Mb

IE 7.0.5730.11--100Mb

Apple Safari 3.1.2 (525.21)--5Mb (Default Database Maximum Size)

I have read some of the other posts on this site recommending reverting back to a previous CCleaner installation version--I did this (currently using v.2.10.618) & it helped on the first Analysis only. Subsequent have taken a super long time. I have not found any other postings that have helped so I thought I should ask directly. I normally do not use my computer while running CCleaner so it can do its thing unencum bered by me.

Does anyone know if CCleaner loads, Analyzes, & Cleans faster if run from a Flash Drive using the portable version?

Any thoughts, insights, or recommendations to resolve my dilemma would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance for your help!


Peacemaker4God :)

Hi Peacemaker, and welcome to the forum.

I've deleted your duplicate post, as it will just split any response and complicate the issue. No worries, as posting in either forum was fine.

I can't think at the moment why CCleaner should take almost three and a half hours to scan, when it has worked OK previously. Something you've recently installed on your PC possibly.

Do you have anything listed in the "Include" section of CCleaner pointing to your external drives?

Maybe this bump will get some input from some of the guys who may have some ideas.

In the meantime, I'll do some searching around myself.


Hello Peacemaker :)

Have a look in task manager while you are running CCleaner and see if anything else stands out.

What happens if you run CCleaner in safe mode?

Have a look in task manager while you are running CCleaner and see if anything else stands out.

Look at the Processes tab, to see if anything uses very high CPU.