Please Dark mode

I know it's been asked a lot, but please, please; dark mode. Please


I am using dark mode as I type this.

Go to the bottom of the forum page, click the drop down arrow next to Theme and select dark mode.

What about a "Dark Mode" for CCleaner itself (free and pro)?

2 hours ago, siliconman01 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		What about a "Dark Mode" for CCleaner itself (free and pro)?

Possibly what the poster above meant and I misinterpreted thinking they meant the forum :lol:

I came here and created a forum account specifically to say this. I'd love a dark mode theme for CCleaner, please. I exist in low light environments on a regular basis and have the rest of my UI set to dark mode. It discourages me from using CCleaner to know I have to fight being white-blind to use it.

Edit to add: It frustrates me that there's a "dark mode" for the forums but not the software. Really? You're willing to acknowledge that people want one by using it in the forums but not your software? That seems rationally inconsistent. Also, the kind of dark mode I'm talking about is not this blue background nonsense. I mean a real dark mode that has a black or dark grey background.

6 hours ago, untenable681 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		<em>Edit to add:</em> It frustrates me that there's a "dark mode" for the forums but not the software. Really? You're willing to acknowledge that people want one by using it in the forums but not your software? That seems rationally inconsistent. Also, the kind of dark mode I'm talking about is not this blue background nonsense. I mean a real dark mode that has a black or dark grey background.

Dark mode on forum is part of the forum software and not programmed by ccleaner developers.

Me too... I just created an account as well.

I usually use the free version from time to time. It does most of the job. There are many things that I like on ccleaner but somethings I don't. One of the things I really don't like is that most of developers don't think about every person and their disabilities like poor vision or people that spend most of the day on dark environments like mentioned above. Since Windows Vista era, the OS and programs usually display few text over the white background. We are always being exposed to white light.

In my case, I have poor vision and most of things are set to dark mode and when I can't do it, I have to use magnifier and use ALTgr+I (CTRL+ALT+I) to invert colors on the screen. White becomes dark, dark becomes white, etc... and things are more readable.With ccleaner is no exception. I have to invert colors to move myself inside of ccleaner.

The question is: WHY PIRIFORM DEVELOPERS CAN'T ADD A DARK THEME TO CCLEANER AND OTHER PRODUCTS? It was easy adding unneeded colored buttons (that also annoy me.... yack... at that blue themed buttons).

Pretty please!!! ADD A PRETTY DARK THEME (WHITE ON BLACK, NOT GREY ON BLACK) to the setup of ccleaner, ccleaner, recuva, defraggler... etc!

Every update, I wonder,.. will this be the one? Will I finally be free of the shock of sitting in a dark room, suddenly illuminated by my screen?

A year passes, and still I yearn. 

Please add dark mode to your products!!

I'm close to applying for a job in your company, just so I can fix this issue, then leaving.

11 minutes ago, crypt0_goldfish said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">

		I'm close to applying for a job in your company, just so I can fix this issue, then leaving.


Why no CCleaner dark mode? Just do it. Please.


If it is technically difficult or it is not possible to make a complete dark mode, then at least add the ability to change the main background from white to some dark one.

Is this an image file or just a color parameter?

Come on guys, there are already so many people and so much time asking about it..


Dark mode for Windows has had enough requests to be on the development "to do" list. Indeed, I even saw an internal demo of this a couple of months back.

BUT the present UI rendering framework would make this a total PITA to maintain, so while dark mode will happen at some point, it is unlikely to appear prior to a complete overhaul of the CCleaner UI - which is presently intended for CCleaner 7 (which does not have a release date yet, but probably won't be until 2024).

We're in 2024! Still waiting for a nice dark theme for CCleaner. ?

1 hour ago, Paradoxical said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		We're in 2024! Still waiting for a nice dark theme for CCleaner. <span class="ipsEmoji">?</span>

Barely, and i think that was a at the earliest 2024 the more important fact of dave's (who no longer works for ccleaner) comment is "with ccleaner 7" which is probably far out in the future, maybe in 2024

Dark mode is a highly requested item. You can submit new ideas and vote for existing ones on our portal here -