Please change the light grey font, which is hard to read.

I've been hoping that each newer version of CCleaner would change the miserable light grey font used in three places, and it is very difficult to read

First and most important location:

  1. the amount of “xyz MB removed.”, directly under the CCleaning Complete report, under the green bar at the top. I’m changing it to light grey font in this post to illustrate what a horrible choice of coloring it is. You should make it black like label directly above it.

2) Again, at the very top, above the green bar, you use that awful light grey font to describe the version of the Operating System and the System Information of the PC beneath it. Here again:

Windows 7 64-bit SP1

Intel Core i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz, 32.0GB RAM, Intel HD Graphics 4600

Do you see how awful that is? In this case and the next (#3) you should use a white font against the brown background color.

3) the version # of the current CCleaner program is also in light grey font against brown background.

v.5.08.5308 (64-bit)

Light grey against a white background (#1 above) and light grey against a brown background (#2 and #3) are horrible graphics design choices.


probably a contender to be moved to the "I want the old GUI" thread;

I had thought of that mta, then I got to thinking maybe it's an accessibility or universal design issue, display brightness issue, etc.

Perhaps some may have difficultly seeing it, and others won't. Personally I don't have an issue with it, but obviously someone does enough to make it a valid complaint.