Pirifrom Software for Linux

I trusted Pirifrom software for years and my friends have too although my work uses linux and thjey want to use the software and linux is comong a lot more popular now that SteamOS is here (based of linux) and Most of the Servers on the web use Linux For example Googles servers and youtubes and facebooks servers run linux it would be great if Piriform could make CCleaner Recuva and the others for linux as many companys are making more and more software for linux and linux users is growing in numbers thank you piriform!

Not that Piriform wouldn't already know the stats, but maybe providing some %'s might strengthen your case.

Agree, good idea, good business.

fwiw, these 2 links give some idea about the numbers and trends.


Hello 6031769 - It's good to see that you share everyone else's enthusiasm for Piriform products. I'm sure that if Piriform decided to come out with a Linux version of CCleaner, it would be awesome. Until that happens, you might want to try using Bleachbit. It is available from Sourceforge, be sure to download the package that is correct for your Linux distribution. The link is here: http://bleachbit.sourceforge.net/download/Linux

I have openSUSE 13.1 installed on my Lenovo Thinkpad T400, and Bleachbit works pretty well. Be careful with one thing. If you select the "Free Disk Space" option in the "System" section, do not try to cancel it. Be patient and let it run to completion. If you cancel it, you will find it has filled your drive and you have no freespace left. If this happens, you have to go to the Home folder and look for a folder with a nonsensical name like "EcJ5jDh7r3", then use Shift+Delete to get rid of it. "Been there, done that" if you get my meaning. :D