Piriform icon

My friends, how can I download a genuine Piriform pear icon for my desktop shortcut?

It's not included in any of the programs, and doesn't stick when I drag the shortcut from FF or IE bookmarks.

Howdy Kroozer I asked the same a while back


How about this

Thanks Fluffy, Glenn and Mike. :) All fixed.

Edit: I also discovered I can convert any image into .ico with CoolUtils Free Online Image Converter.

You could also Super Glue a pear to your screen. Ok it's not the same thing, but, nevermind.:lol:

If you hadn't got fixed up I could have dug one up for you:

I also discovered I can convert any image into .ico with CoolUtils Free Online Image Converter.


I recently discovered* another image-to-icon converter that appears to be portable and lightweight: ToYcon, available here. It's very simplisitc; just drag your .png or .jpg or .bmp image over the box, drop it, and how comes the .ico. (It also works in reverse.)

I've been having fun with it.

* The web site indicates the download has been around for a few years, so others here may already be familiar with it. Looks like an update occurred about a year ago. Works on XP and Vista.

There's also IcoFX which can import images and export to icons.

There's also IcoFX which can import images and export to icons.

Thanks for that info, Andavari. Another toy to play with. :D


Aye, IconFX is the one I use

IrfanView can extract icon resource information from exe/dll files as well as saving anything into .ico format.

Richard S.

IrfanView can extract icon resource information from exe/dll files as well as saving anything into .ico format.

IcoFX can also do that, plus it's an icon editor/creator.