Hey guy's
I've been trying to make my own icon set for "Rocket Dock" and I don't have (Adobe Photoshop), so would (Gimp) be the best alternative program to use?
I have been playing around with (IcoFX 1.6)... but it is very basic
Hey guy's
I've been trying to make my own icon set for "Rocket Dock" and I don't have (Adobe Photoshop), so would (Gimp) be the best alternative program to use?
I have been playing around with (IcoFX 1.6)... but it is very basic
GIMP is a good replacement for basic Photoshop, but I don't know how either of them would do the same job as IcoFX.
Paint.NET is also something worth trying out, although you need to browse their forums for useful plugins you’d need for replacing IcoFX with Paint.NET. I use it along with IcoFX, and in my opinion Paint.NET sizes down icons better when saving them.
Paint.NET is also something worth trying out, although you need to browse their forums for useful plugins you'd need for replacing IcoFX with Paint.NET. I use it along with IcoFX, and in my opinion Paint.NET sizes down icons better when saving them.
Hi Andavari & corona
I've played around with both (Ico FX) & (Paint.NET)
I need a program that can open a base (psd) file "Photoshop Image" and after I'm finished building on it, I can save it as a (png or ico) file.
I guess (GIMP) is the way to go
Paint.NET can open PSD's with this plugin.
But do note the quoted limitations that the author has outlined:
The plugin doesn't support every feature in the .psd format. I've only implemented what's useful for converting the image to the Paint.NET supported formats.
I don't use The Gimp but I see that it has a recent update
GIMP 2.6.3 + GTK+ 2.14.5:
I like Paint.NET
I use gimp and did use photoshop for a while but went back to gimp. And the learning curve, which used to be one of the gimps big sticking points, has improved greatly over last couple of years.
And the learning curve, which used to be one of the gimps big sticking points, has improved greatly over last couple of years.
For me it's finding the not so well known things the painting programs can do, and sometimes it's a total surprise finding a nice feature and the "oh it can do that."
Paint.NET can open PSD's with this plugin.
But do note the quoted limitations that the author has outlined:
Thanks again Andavari
I'm still going to try "GIMP"