Phone Number Keeps Changing on a website

Note that a similar question was asked awhile back at {removed} which was related to the Firefox Browser. Since Firefox is not Chromium based (or is it?), I am basically asking this question again in regards to the CCleaner and any other Chromium based browsers (except for Microsoft Edge where I have NOT had this problem). This is based on the website {removed} which for some unknown reason generates random numbers in the 718 area code after a few seconds from the proper number of {removed}. As you can see, the browser has generated a phone number of {removed} which is NOT the office's phone number. Why should this be happening? I have cleared the browser cache VERY recently, updated to the newest version of the CCleaner browser and set the Privacy Guard (which was not on before) to the level just above "basic", all to no avail. What is going on here??????

{Attachment removed}

I'm not sure if that was an attempt at spamming - the links and attachment were not needed and add nothing to the post.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this once.

If the phone number on a webpage keeps changing then it's probably a sign that the page has been hacked and someone is trying to lure people to phone the wrong place.

Inform the owner of the webpage to look at their security.