Pen drive help

Hey how do i make my pen drive passworded so when i put it in it prompts for a password or how can i password folders on my pen drive, i gt a attatche 512mb

please help

I never really tried to do this. Here is a program that a quick google brought up.

I'll look for something free later.

Most major brands provide software but not all include it with the drive. Have you checked the manufacturer's website?

TrueCrypt is a program that can encrypt partions, USB pen drives, etc.

Some USB pen drives comes with software todo that already.

Besure to keep your USB pen drive in a good place so it dont get stolen and you loose your data or so that you loose it or forget where you put it. Try not to give it too much beating too.

If you want learn more about USB flash drives, then see the Wikipedia article on USB flash drives.

Quick question eldmanen. Do you have to have truecrypt installed on a machine to use the files that was encoded by it? It would suck to have to install truecrypt on every machine you went to so that you could get your files.

Quick question eldmanen. Do you have to have truecrypt installed on a machine to use the files that was encoded by it? It would suck to have to install truecrypt on every machine you went to so that you could get your files.


You can store TrueCrypt on the USB flash drive I suppose...

The security TrueCrypt provides is supposedly very good.