peerguardian check this out immediately

Oops in the header i meant peerguardian users check this out immediately :D anyway read away B)

Those of you who use peerguardian i suggest you immediately check this then if you believe it(i do check out the bottom of this page and the new forums). Then follow the instruction on the below link to update you lists to secure ones.

P.S. Scratch that just update to the latest version by clicking here and that will sort it all out.

this happened a week ago. old news

this happened a week ago. old news

If it is old news because it happened a week ago, then why didn't you think to warn people about it a week ago?

Maybe you wasn't aware of it a week ago either.

Or maybe you was too busy criticising everything that everybody else posts on here.

i didnt post it because i dont care about PeerGuardian. and i heard this 1 day after it happened.

basically what im saying is that...PeerGuardian is not worthy enough to be posted anywhere.

i didnt post it because i dont care about PeerGuardian. and i heard this 1 day after it happened.

basically what im saying is that...PeerGuardian is not worthy enough to be posted anywhere.

Obviously some people do care about and use PeerGuardian, which is why they choose to post about it, if you don't agree with such people then don't enter any discussions about it.

Mangix your testing my nerves. You heard about a couple of days ago because I posted it here:

Mangix your testing my nerves. You heard about a couple of days ago because I posted it here:

Most of his/her posts are a waste of time/bandwidth, he/she seems to be on a mission to make as many posts as possible, regardless of whether they help anyone.

Mangix your testing my nerves. You heard about a couple of days ago because I posted it here:

* news ;). i spend a lot of time there.

@CaPMan:i wouldnt care if i had 3k posts. and most of my posts DO try to help people.

Mangix your testing my nerves. You heard about a couple of days ago because I posted it here:

Oops i was not aware anyone posted the info before maybe i should have checked first :blink: . As for the use of peerguardian i do not see the point in anyone connecting to my pc for any reason what's so ever, my pc is in my house. It is illegal for anyone to come into my house and have a look at what im doing on my pc why they think its ok to do it thru a telephone cable i don't know. If it blocks a site of a server a game of app wants to connect to i will either allow it for a set time of permanently allow it other then that, **** em. Now my rant for the day is out the way im going for a swim :D .

Mangix im not trying to be rude or anything but surely if you are not interested why post a reply?