PC Freeze

My PC has decided to freeze when just being idle. As long as I'm using it works just fine. If I leave it idle for an hour or more and come back to use is, nothing moves. That does mean everything. Con Alt Del means nothing, no mouse curser move, nothing. So a hard shut down and it wants to scan hard drive(s). I only have one hard drive. Anyway it scans and finds no problems. I have a program in the PC that allows me to check for problems on Hard Drive. I can run it and if finds no problem and indicates all is well.

If I put the PC to sleep and back on all is well. Even after a 4 or 5 hour sleep. The problem seem to be when it's on and inactive. I used air to clean it, left the side cover off for couple days thinking it may be getting hot. It has two fans, one at the rear blowing out and one over the processor with shield to the side cover blowing out. Speed Fan 4.42 shows the following temperatures: GPU 145F; CPU 104F; Local 107F; Remote 2 206F; Core 0 82F; and Core 1 86F.

My System is Vist Home Prem

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 186GHz

Ram 2.0GB

Graphics: 256 GeForce 7650 GS

Hard Drive 488GB Western Digital

It's almost 5 years old and this is the first major problem other than myself.

Would someone please offer a hint as to what they think and what I should do. If, "Thrown it away", that would be fine. It's a Gateway by the way. First one I've owned. I don't like it at all.

Thanks in advance.

It will help if you can also list all running software, such as antivirus, etc. Could be conflicting software, then again it could be some hardware issue.

In the meantime you could run some Memory/RAM tests to check for faulty RAM, using either of these (just let which ever one you choose do at least one pass):

* MemTest86+

* Microsoft Windows Memory Diagnostics

It will help if you can also list all running software, such as antivirus, etc. Could be conflicting software, then again it could be some hardware issue.

In the meantime you could run some Memory/RAM tests to check for faulty RAM, using either of these (just let which ever one you choose do at least one pass):

* MemTest86+

* Microsoft Windows Memory Diagnostics

I should have know to do that. Sorry

Windows defender

NMSupport - Intel

Broadcom Wireless

IAAnotif - Intel


WinPatrol Plus

SigmatelSys - SigmaTel.Inc

Avgnt - Avira GmbH

OOPCTFW - Firewall PC Tools

ehTray.exe - Msft

Will do the RAM test now and report back.

Thanks again.

I should have know to do that. Sorry

Windows defender

NMSupport - Intel

Broadcom Wireless

IAAnotif - Intel


WinPatrol Plus

SigmatelSys - SigmaTel.Inc

Avgnt - Avira GmbH

OOPCTFW - Firewall PC Tools

ehTray.exe - Msft

Will do the RAM test now and report back.

Thanks again.

Andavari-- Lets call this off. I don't have it upstairs to follow your instructions. I downloaded each of them and the same thing happens. I have the file IOBuster on this system although it is not on start up. When I try to open it, IOBuster insist on it opening in that. I sure you know what it is, similar to Recuva but expensive. Don't know how to keep if from opening there. I hate to move the program from my PC as it helped me save 288 Power Point File that I deleted from a CD.I don't have a serial number or anything to reinstall it. Got it from a gimmick that came with some Ink Cartridges.

So let's pass on this problem. I was afraid that something technical would come up and I wouldn't have a clue.

I'll just keep it in Sleep or Off and live with the problem. Sure appreciate you answering so quickly.

Perhaps check some of your power settings in control panel and just as a test make sure you have no screensaver active.

Check on things like this


Also consider that your power supply may be having issues.

You could also have a look in the event viewer and see if any error is listed. (control panel/admin tools/event viewer, then try looking system or application)

I checked the things you mentions and looked at the "Problem at Idle" question. I looked also at the Admin stuff and the worse thing with errors was my LAN. I have a wireless Router with three PC. Earlier I wrote about a strange window coming up and you replied to me about that.

Did have a lot of warnings and errors about Dhcp. Read about that but don't know really what I'm reading.

I've decided to reformat and start over. I think that may be best for a beginner. I had to pay Gateway 20 bucks extra for a disk for restore, check for problems in startup, and one or two others. I have used the startup repair a lot lately so that was worth it.

I have a good backup I think of all the stuff I put on there. Will need to update a lot of drivers as this machine is old. There is a Driver Disk to restore drivers and check for update, (was on the 20 dollar disk) so maybe it was a bargain.

With all the problems about freezing I'm deleting and starting over.

Maybe it's December 1 2010 in some parts of the work but for here tomorrow is my big day I was shooting for. Now I'm shooting for 6 more months, trying to be conservative.

Thank you for all the good remarks you made to me. I appreciate all the people that have made contact by message with me. This forum has some fine people.

Personally if I were you, and to perhaps save you a hell of allot of time from formatting and starting over here's something to try, albeit I don't know if it will fix anything for you.

Temporarily disable the resident protection of the listed programs below, then restart your computer, then wait to see if the freeze happens again:

* ThreatFire

* WinPatrol Plus

Then if you get no freeze re-enable ThreatFire, then wait some time to see if your PC freezes and if it doesn't, re-enable WinPatrol Plus, and then again wait some time to see if your PC freezes.

I'm thinking however I have no ideal if I'm correct that you may perhaps have too much anti-malware software running in real-time which can cause freezing.


I know firsthand that ThreatFire can cause some systems issues, but have no ideal if it's the culprit.

Personally if I were you, and to perhaps save you a hell of allot of time from formatting and starting over here's something to try, albeit I don't know if it will fix anything for you.

Temporarily disable the resident protection of the listed programs below, then restart your computer, then wait to see if the freeze happens again:

* Threat Fire

* Win Patrol Plus

Then if you get no freeze re-enable Threat Fire, then wait some time to see if your PC freezes and if it doesn't, re-enable Win Patrol Plus, and then again wait some time to see if your PC freezes.

I'm thinking however I have no ideal if I'm correct that you may perhaps have too much anti-malware software running in real-time which can cause freezing.


I know firsthand that Threat Fire can cause some systems issues, but have no ideal if it's the culprit.

I will do that as of now. I only run Threat Fire as I read on a forum, maybe this one, that it was a good catcher. Win Patrol I like but for now will turn off and if I need it on a one on one basis I can turn it on temporally and back off. Thank you so much for you help.

Personally if I were you, and to perhaps save you a hell of allot of time from formatting and starting over here's something to try, albeit I don't know if it will fix anything for you.

Temporarily disable the resident protection of the listed programs below, then restart your computer, then wait to see if the freeze happens again:

* ThreatFire

* WinPatrol Plus

Then if you get no freeze re-enable ThreatFire, then wait some time to see if your PC freezes and if it doesn't, re-enable WinPatrol Plus, and then again wait some time to see if your PC freezes.

I'm thinking however I have no ideal if I'm correct that you may perhaps have too much anti-malware software running in real-time which can cause freezing.


I know firsthand that ThreatFire can cause some systems issues, but have no ideal if it's the culprit.

Tried all you suggested an no help, same old stuff. So now I'm in the process of restoring to Factory.

I have an Acer 5610Z I'll use until I get the old Gateway doing something. If it still gives trouble, will strip out what I think is good and trash the rest. Again thanks, always respect your suggestions.

Well my problem with the freeze is over for now. Spent yesterday, almost all day, reformatting and and installing my stuff back. Have let the PC run last night and all day today without a freeze.

Think it was worth it as it's been in operation for years. It is much faster now.

Something amusing is happening after the reinstall but it's unique to me so I don't want to fix it. See the attached. It's the only part of the Tool Bar that stays. Suits me O.K.

Thanks to everybody that offered help. I really appreciate it.