PC Action Games Good for eyesight


Video game addicts, rejoice: US researchers have found that playing is actually good for your eyes, and despite all those dire warnings from your pare...

:lol: Best excuse ever to play more First Person Shooters ;)

I`ve no doubt some other boffin will come along and disagree with that, but nice to know it possibly can do your eyes some good. Spent a lot of time on "Black", on PS2. :ph34r:


I`ve no doubt some other boffin will come along and disagree with that, but nice to know it possibly can do your eyes some good.

Let me be the boffin, whatever a boffin is. Some of my race car games I've noticed actually cause my vision to be a little blurry after playing them. But then again that could be age related. :(

They didn't test racing... :lol: just FPS.

I could only play the old wolfenstein3D for short spans or I'd start feeling sick, I think they called it motion sickness :lol: most newer FPS don't do it to me.

And the way the furniture always faced you, rather dizzying i suppose....

Let me be the boffin, whatever a boffin is.

Boffin: :)

Some of my race car games I've noticed actually cause my vision to be a little blurry after playing them. But then again that could be age related. :(

Are you wearing your goggles ? B):lol:


If this were true I wouldn't have to wear contacts. :rolleyes:

Are you wearing your goggles ? B):lol:

I wear prescription glasses. However are you instead referring to racing goggles, LOL I only wish games were that realistic. :lol:

I wear prescription glasses. However are you instead referring to racing goggles, LOL I only wish games were that realistic. :lol:

Yep, racing goggles it was, and I should wear them myself, because my eyes get blurry, and I don`t wear glasses. :blink:

What are your favourites? (This is still on topic, isn`t it ?)

Mine: PS2.

Driving:- Toca Race Driver 3: WRC Rally 4: Gran Tourismo 4:

1st Person:- Black (No1 of all time): Killzone (Great story & characters)

Any more gamers out there feel free to comment.


Fav racing games are anything that's Formula 1 or WRC, or somewhat "realistic". One game that I like is Enthusia Professional Racing.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to find a good F1 game here in the U.S. during my PS2 usage as nobody seems to be caring them or they're always sold out (and please no EA F1 game) - what really needs to happen is Psygnosis needs to make another kick ass F1 game like they did for the PSone many moons ago.

I do like some of arcade style racers like the Need For Speed games however they've become the yearly repetitive, predictable, bore over the years with too many "tuner" cars when all I want is another pure exotics racer.

If you play PS2 and don't mind 3rd person games do yourself a favor and pick up socom 3 or the newer socom combined assault.

I used to play those games online for hours and hours, but I had to get rid of it so that I could function. :P (seriously it was like a drug or something...)

If thats one of those games where you have a squad of guys to keep alive, no chance. I just end up losing my rag and cursing at the screen. :angry:

And that usually results in my wife or daughter coming through and asking what the hell am I swearing at.

How can they not understand that two of your guys have just been zapped, and it wasn`t your fault! :o

I`ll just stick to keeping myself alive in a game like "Black".

You must have tried Black. Amazing game.


Thats what the single player is like, but you can also play online where your team mates are other people.

I had a group of friends I played with all the time and it was truly awesome. :)

If you want just single player PS2 shooters, I thought project snowblind was pretty good. Its made by the same people who make deus ex, but snowblind is more action based. Also I don't know about england but since the game is older you can get it for like $5.

Personally i do not believe that it is good for the old eyesight as i have many a time played Counter-Strike Source and felt the punishment for doing so, as to put it crudely i felt like s**t and so did my eyes. The worst time of feeling the strain on my eyes was when i played GTA san andreas for 24 hours now that was painful :wacko: however this is not a first person shooter so that may have been the reason for it :( . I do however believe that it may help to increase your reaction times although i will not be doing a scientific experiment to back this theory. Is anyone on this forum using a wide-screen monitor?

You did say you were playing on line. Didn`t click at first. (Had too many whiskys).

Never tried on line, but thought about it a lot. It does actually sound good.

I`ll let you know if I get the adapter (or whatever you call it.)

03.19am (again :unsure: ) I`m off for now.


I would offer to play a game with you if you got it but like I said in my above post, I got rid of it.

I've always been into video games but I never would play for more than maybe 2 hours at a time or 3 at most. I got that stupid online stuff and I played for 6 hours a day for like a week during the summer. :blink:

I had to get rid of it because if I didn't I was never going to go out of the house again. :P

Seriously though if you do get an online adapter for your ps2 pick up Socom Combined Assualt and the microphone and you will be in video game heaven.

Anyone with a PS2 and a love of bloody action games should check out this game:


Or even if your a fan of Greek Mythology. :D

The worst time of feeling the strain on my eyes was when i played GTA san andreas for 24 hours now that was painful :wacko: however this is not a first person shooter so that may have been the reason for it

GTA San Andreas has to be my fav all time game out of everything I've ever played! I can imagine playing the game for 24 hours straight is probably what messed with you (I remember some all nighters playing Final Fantasy games for like 12 hours straight messing with me). Just staring at a t.v. screen for that long even if watching regular t.v. shows probably isn't good.

Most of the games that cause me eye strain are those with some FPS ("frames per second") issues where the game isn't really running that smoothly and is a little jittery, and also games where the backgrounds and such are too blurry or aren't really clear enough.

The worst time of feeling the strain on my eyes was when i played GTA san andreas for 24 hours now that was painful :wacko:
I`ve never sat on a game that long, which is the reason I`ve never finished Gran Tourismo 4.

Le Mens 24 hours is a cracking track, and the sensation of speed going down the 5 kilometre straight was pretty amazing, but doing it for 24hrs, don`t think my eyes could stand that.

And doing it in time X 3 mode would be too boring. Letting the PS2 drive ? Might as well not bother playing.

Or even if your a fan of Greek Mythology. :D

Checked it out, and I read every thing I could find on Greek Mythology when I was a small kid. I say that because I`m a big kid now. :) Game looks awsome.

One game that I like is Enthusia Professional Racing.

Had that game in my hands quite a few times, and never got it. Be really cheap now, might check it out.


I`ve never sat on a game that long, which is the reason I`ve never finished Gran Tourismo 4.
Well i never meant to play on grand theft for that long but it got to the stage where i would say, "well i finish this level first or ill finish doing this.....etc.." so before i know it i was on there for way to long and something that nobody should do. Oh and i also find it very additive <_<

Most of the games that cause me eye strain are those with some FPS ("frames per second")

yes i find with games on the PC that is a very important thing to look out for and can really hurt your eyes if there's a constant jittering that you can only just notice.

I remember some all nighters playing Final Fantasy games for like 12 hours straight messing with me

Andavari i love final Fantasy it is my most favourite type of games of all time and i shall always continue to buy them and play them even on my death bed :P FF9 is in my opinion the best of all.