This is silly and probably really easy but when you paste a link to a page into a post for example how can you get that link to go to a specific area of the page? For example, if I posted a link to a thread in another forum, which is very common, how do I get that posted link to show a specific post? Or if I post a link to a page and the area I want to show is half way down the page how do you get the link to open there?
I ask because I have been clicking on some links lately and the link opens to a specific area of the page or thread no scrolling necessary. When I post a link it just opens to the top of the page so if the area I am trying to link is at the bottom or middle I have to give instructions with my link that the info is at the bottom or halfway down or what ever.
This is something that I should know how to do but I don't When you finish laughing please post the instructions
OK thanks guys that was easy like I figured it would be
What about a page not a post? I have been seeing this a lot lately. Some one posts a link to a page and the link opens exactly at the area the person is referring to.
Edit: I notice some forums don't have the numbers on the post so how do you do it to those?
Wow still no solution. I would have thought some one here would know how. Not much goes unanswered on this site. I will have to go on a mission and find out how it's done. I never really cared about it until I needed to post a link and couldn't get the link to open where I wanted.
It takes you to the place on that page where I was when I copied nothing but the address bar. That's what I tried yesterday, (not on this site), but it didn't work.
I haven't looked at your links yet Talldog, which I'm gonna do.
It takes you to the place on that page where I was when I copied nothing but the address bar. That's what I tried yesterday, (not on this site), but it didn't work.
Seems to be hit and miss. I wonder if those links I have clicked on that go right to the proper place in the page just worked out like yours did?
Well here is an example of what I was asking to do. Hazlenut posted a link to an article about antivirus software and the link opens the page right where the article starts. How did she do that? Here is the thread she started and the link is in her post.
Well here is an example of what I was asking to do. Hazlenut posted a link to an article about antivirus software and the link opens the page right where the article starts. How did she do that? Here is the thread she started and the link is in her post.