password resets and verification

after using ccleaner i don't receive emails regarding password resets or verification methods. but i can receive emails from people and certain websites like hulu and origin. but i cant receive emails from blizzard, steam, and battle state

Are you using Health Check or Custom Clean?

It sounds that what may happening is that your email preferences for the sites affected are being saved as cookies, and CCleaner is clearing those cookies.

In that case then Health Check will always clear them, but Custom Clean can be set not to clear them.

To do that you have to use Custom Clean only and either tell it not to delete any cookies at all, or tell it to 'keep' the cookies for those particular sites.

See Options 1 & 2 here for details of how to do that:

i used both at the same time before

My advice is as above -

Don't use Health Check, only use Custom Clean and either clean no cookies at all or work out which cookies you need to keep - with the help of the linked article.