Password Manager not saving passwords

Password Manager not saving passwords. I had all my email usernames & passwords stored in the Password Manager, but now they’re all gone. I re-logged in; the Password Manager pop-up appears asking if I’d like to save the login information; I click YES. Close the browser, re-open it and go to the email – nothing. No user name, no password. Go to Password Manager: nothing. It’s blank.

What happened??

Try clicking ‘Login’ for the website (your email) with the boxes blank and it should fail but may then populate the boxes for you.

Some website logins do behave like that, they won’t auto-populate the login boxes at first, but will do it following the first fail.
It isn’t the browser or your saved passwords, it’s that website.

There again some websites, (particularly banking sites etc), will not let you save or auto-fill logins/passwords at all for security reasons.

Thanks, but no. This is not an issue with the website. Saved usernames & passwords work on other browsers (Chrome, Firefox, etc). CC Cleaner Browser’s Password Manager is getting wiped.

I’m having the same issue. All my saved passwords are gone, and every time I log in to a site it asks me do I want to save it, I click yes, but it does not save it. Driving me mad!

I’m having the same issue. Since the new upgrade, I lost all my saved passwords and I try to put some in and they disappear. The program ask if you want to save also, but nothing is saved. There is a definite bug.

I am having the same issue. The passwords are holding when the browser is working, but they are gone when you close and start browser again. The same behavior of the “standalone” password manager for CCleaner. Such behavior was discovered about a week ago, and probably at that time unsolicited Windows update closed and restarted browser. The browser can read *.csv file and passwords stay during this session, but they are gone on restart. Google Chrome browser does not show such behavior. It is certainly a bug, and it was sad to lose most recent passwords created after earlier backup.

One more detail: when the browser started with empty password list, it still asks to save passwords and it holds it in current session. One can even save them in *.csv file for future use. When the new session starts, it does not read in the database (?) and starts with empty password list. If you have saved *.csv files, you can read them one by one, and the list will be filled. But closing and re-opening browser results in empty list. It is VERY inconvenient!

The problem is in the fact that browser and standalone password manager start with empty password list. Whatever they populate in the session (from storing passwords from login pages) of from reading saved password files will work, and if requested, will be used for autofill. But when closing and re-starting browser, the list comes out blank. There is still updated \Default\Login file in browser’s home directory, and the browser restore previous sessions tabs. This is a bug in the latest version 128.0.26382.138 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Thanks all for the reports.

I have flagged this up to the staff for someone to take a look and fix it.

Hi All,
Please submit a support request via the request form I have linked below so we can gather all the details to pass to the development team to investigate.
Once you have submitted your report, please let me know so I can find it in our system and prioritise the request.