Password after Hibernate in Vista


everytime I run CCleaner the PC starts to require password after waking up from Hibernate, even if

I changed all settings in Vista not to do so.

More.. the monitor's settings shows "put monitor on sleep" after 20 minutes, while I chose "never" in Vista.

So everytime I run CCleaner they are changed again.

I never had thi issue in other version of CCleaner but I cannot tell which version introduced the problem.

Vista is up to date so all software and hardware.

My CCleaner settings are here:

That's very strange as I don't have that problem on my Vista system.

Have you reviewed all the Power Option settings?

That's very strange as I don't have that problem on my Vista system.

Have you reviewed all the Power Option settings?

Yes I did..

it's a normal thing for me, as it worked fine since the beginning... It started a week ago.

So if it's not CCleaner, must be something in registry...

I used all options to "troubleshoot".. but I cannot find the error.

Power settings and Vista are configured to avooid passwword.. UAC is disable... so password at logon..

I have to find out why it happens.. I thought CCleaner was one of the last hopes.


hello i have a big problem,help me

Yes I did..

it's a normal thing for me, as it worked fine since the beginning... It started a week ago.

So if it's not CCleaner, must be something in registry...

I used all options to "troubleshoot".. but I cannot find the error.

Power settings and Vista are configured to avooid passwword.. UAC is disable... so password at logon..

I do not have UAC disabled and it is not a good idea to disable it.

UAC is frustrating at first but I have learned a lot since using it and how to elevate the programs that I trust.

I have to find out why it happens.. I thought CCleaner was one of the last hopes.


I am relatively new to Vista so maybe one of the Vista veterans can assist with this.

I do not have UAC disabled and it is not a good idea to disable it.

UAC is frustrating at first but I have learned a lot since using it and how to elevate the programs that I trust.

I am relatively new to Vista so maybe one of the Vista veterans can assist with this.

Well if you are relatively new to Vista, you'll find out that UAC is useless and annoying.

BTW the issue was not about that..

I removed CCleaner and see if it's happening again... if so it's not CC fault but a broken file in registry...
