parameter for only one automatic clean at system startup and/or logo

CCleaner has only two sorts of automation 1. the /auto parameter to scan during a windows session and 2. the option to scan on EVERY start of windows.

First wish: An option or parameter to make CCleaner scan and clean ONLY on next windows start would be nice.

Second wish: A log entry in the event viewer so CCleaner can work with eventtriggers.exe

Both wishes make CCleaner behave more like chkdsk.exe

Thanks for this programm.


You could do that via a .reg file that adds the CCleaner.exe /auto parameter into the registries RunOnce area.

Other than that placing the CCleaner.exe /auto parameter in the Start Menu Groups Start Up folder could do it also, however it would run on every system startup.

Thanks, I needed that hint.

I got my results with the command line:

reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /v 2 /t REG_SZ /d "\"X:CCleaner\CCleaner.exe\" /auto" /f

A seperat regfile is not needed.
