3 beta 2

This new version is pretty cool! I hadn't tried the first beta or alpha releases.

The new gradient tool is pretty fun to try out. I might use it to make some impress back grounds since star/open office is missing this feature. :D

is it still slow as hell?

No it seems pretty snappy on my system.(just as fast as 2. whatever I was using)

I liked to start with, nice and easy to use, but limited.

Then I found the gimp and never looked back. What's event better there's a portable version so it's not even installed.

I really hope keeps growing and getting better. I might jump back to it one day.

I liked to start with, nice and easy to use, but limited.

Then I found the gimp and never looked back. What's event better there's a portable version so it's not even installed.

I really hope keeps growing and getting better. I might jump back to it one day.

I have to point it out that gimp stands as a photoshop opensource alternative which does not. although is decent enough to be a complete replacement of ms paint:)

ps. compare with ps, gimp is still way behind especially when handling some huge images, and there's no position for between them.