Over Writing Of File Names In The MFT

In a post on here is was stated that when you use a secure deletion with CCleaner then use Recuva you should not see the file names but a bunch of zzzs or something of that nature.

I started after a fresh cleaning with CC and surfed awhile and then used the NSA overwrite then used Recuva and could see the actual file names of some of the sites I visted.

Am I doing something wrong when running CC or is just the norm?

I can't say that CC is infallible (I'm just a user) but when using secure delete it should overwrite the names of all the files it finds to delete in that specific run with ZZZ's. If readable file names remain then they could be from already deleted files before you ran CC, or they could have been deleted by some other means, your browser settings for instance. I'm sure there are other reasons I can't think of at the moment (breakfast is calling me!).

Yes maybe your browser is deleting the history/cookies/cache etc before CCleaner gets chance to. E.g if you do it from the tools menu in your browser or have your browser setup to auto clean on exit.