
I am mad as hell that for the second time C Cleaner has obliterated my Firefox history, despite the fact that I've check off in setting not to. I just lost a critical page that I can't recover.

What the hell is going on?

I reported this issue once before, but to my knowledge got no response.

I don't want to change products, but if I can't depend on this one to not erase my history, I'll have to .

Does anyone have any explanation for this and what to do about it?

9 minutes ago, craiger said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		I am mad as hell that for the second time C Cleaner has obliterated my Firefox history, despite the fact that I've check off in setting not to.  I just lost a critical page that I can't recover.

		<em>What the hell is going on?</em>


		I reported this issue once before, but to my knowledge got no response.


		I don't want to change products, but if I can't depend on this one to not erase my history, I'll have to .


		Does anyone have any explanation for this and what to do about it?




Did you read nukecad's explanation here?


If you're using Custom Clean as detailed in the provided link above you can actually force CCleaner to never touch anything in your Firefox Profile. To do that you'd need to input an Exclude of the folder/path where your Firefox Profile resides.



@AndavariFrom the OP's previous post I believe the issue is that he occasionally runs Health Check, which is always going to clean the browser history if/when you run it.

Health Check does not respect any Custom Clean selections or any excludes/includes; Health Check always uses it's own rules.

(That's one reason why Smart Cleaning always uses the Custom Clean rules and not Health Check).

They should honor exclusions regardless of the mode selected. I'd personally like the ability to completely hide things from view in the GUI I'll never use like Health Check, etc., that way it won't be accidentally clicked. Sort of a CCleaner classic!

10 hours ago, Andavari said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		They should honor exclusions regardless of the mode selected. I'd personally like the ability to completely hide things from view in the GUI I'll never use like Health Check, etc., that way it won't be accidentally clicked. Sort of a CCleaner classic!

Well if Health Check respected exclusions/inclusions, etc. then it would just be Custom Clean, Startup, and Softerware Updater all launched from one button.

So then it would be pretty meaningless to have it seperate. (Health Check being meaningless bloat - Now where have I heard that before?).

You can hide Health Check from view, it's just a change to a few registry entries and has been discussed before on the forum.

I won't repeat it here because I don't encourage people to mess about in the registry, I'll PM you.

(And I believe that it has to be redone every update as well, because the update will put the reg entries back?)