Microsoft has just added one of the most, if not the most, requested features to IMAP support.
Microsoft has just added one of the most, if not the most, requested features to IMAP support.
That sounds great Hazelnut. Wonderful. Really. Provided you don't go to your ISP's website, and receive the message "We are currently experiencing issues with our email service for some of our customers. We are diligently working to recover any of your email folders that cannot be seen at this time." And then you access your account and find out they're referring to you. Inbox-EMPTY. Send-EMPTY. But's the real kicker....wait for it: Your CONTACTS are EMPTY! Now don't think I'm upset. Really. I'm not. Really. There were only 180 or so names, addresses, email addresses, dozens of birthdays and anniversaries, all entered by a person who types with two fingers on two left hands. And now I will take a deep breath, slowly count to 10, get up, and BASH my HEAD into the nearest wall.
Edit: I apologize for venting like that, but that wasn't the only problem I've had today. This morning, right after startup, I tried to update Norton, and that crashed. I copied the error code, went to their website, found the patch for the problem, downloaded and applied it. Then I checked Windows Update, and after spinning it's wheels for a good 3-4 minutes, that crashed! So I had to run the troubleshooter to fix that. Then I became just a little paranoid about what was going on, so I ran a full system scan with Norton, and came up with nothing. I then went to check my emails and thought it odd that two had disappeared from my inbox. I checked the trash, nothing there, so I logged out. At this point, there were no messages about the problem. It was only after I logged in later in the day that I found the above message. And it was at this point I discovered that my contacts were missing. And six and a half hours later, they're still missing. And guess what day it is? Friday the Thirteenth.
And it was at this point I discovered that my contacts were missing. And six and a half hours later, they're still missing. And guess what day it is? Friday the Thirteenth.
Do you need to uninstall these Microsoft updates :- kb2810009 and kb2817630
Thank you for offering to help Alan. I appreciate it, just as I've appreciated it in the past. I did get my contacts back this morning, the problem was on my ISP's server and not on my machine. But the other problems were on my machine, and added to the other problems I've had in the past, it has caused me to reconsider what I'm going to do about it. And the real question is this: Does this machine exist to serve me, or do I exist to serve this machine? I'm going to take a few days to think about it, but I think Windows 8 and I are going to part ways. I've given it a fair trial period, almost four months, but I've grown tired of dealing with it's problems. Fourteen years ago, I saw the problems I had with Win98SE as a challenge. Now, I look at it as a nuisance and a waste of my time. At this point in my life, all I want is an operating system that works, without issues or problems. And the people at Microsoft either don't seem to understand that, or they just don't care. I'll post back, using the Lounge, and let you and everyone else know what I decide. Until then, take care.