Our History...In two minutes

Don`t know if you have seen this yet,but I thought it was pretty good,

It`s a final project by a highschool student,


Good one, Fluffy!

Nice one Fluffy :)

Good find Fluffy. Bet that student got high marks for that one.

That was so well put together.

Nice one Fluff. :)

very cool.

couldn't think of anything else that they could have included.

Brilliant work, a student with a great future.............I wonder where he or she thinks we will end up?.................well spotted Fluffy

Hi Fluffy,

Great presentation; belongs in Hall of Fame. Thanks so much for sharing this with us. Take care and keep 'em comin'.


Pretty neat; I recently read something that stated "If all of earth's history were condensed into 24 hours on a clock, humans as we are today would only exist for the last 24 seconds in the 24 hours" or something akin to that. Makes you think.

@winapp2, sounds like something Carl Sagan did in his Cosmos TV series, i think he called it the Cosmic Calendar.

He put the Big Bang on Jan 1 and made the current day New Years' Eve.

now this is from my 30 year odd old memory banks (i think Cosmos was early '80's) but he had Earth forming somewhere around early October, and i think 'humans' making fire somewhere in December.

i think the Great Pyramid was around Christmas Day.

i remember thinking how very insignificant we all are.

Sounds neat.

I've just got access to reliable internet again (no power for 24 hours, lots of flooding, ex-tropical cyclone moving down the coast, typical summer day in Brisbane).

I found that Cosmic Calendar at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ln8UwPd1z20

I was a bit out, fire was tamed 14 minutes ago, all recorded human history fits into the last 10 seconds.

(apologies to all you Creationists - you're not going to be happy ;))

Interesting video, thanks for the link :)

Cosmic Calendar very interesting views, many thanks.

Floods up your end and Fires down my end..............hope you are OK in your location........Tasgandy Victoria

And I'm just sitting here on my 0º some-what snowy/rainy island.

Crazy aussies. Watch out for dropbears.

dropbears are OK as long as you don't look straight into their eyes - very territorial and can get aggressive.

stay out of their way and they tend to stay out of yours.

it's the hoop-snakes that'll get ya. those things can easily outrun a man.

@Tas, all good, give me flood over fire. flood=wet, fire=cooked

on gennie power for 3 days, only downside was the cold showers.

@winapp, your island is it?, with how many million of your closest friends?

mta, great find. What a fascinating video! I used to watch Carl Sagan Cosmos but I somehow missed that episode. All schools should show that video. Karl Sagan was great.

Sorry to hear you had flooding in your area, mta. Tasgandy, sorry to hear you had fires near you. Hope both your families are OK.

@winapp, your island is it?, with how many million of your closest friends?

Many millions - perhaps eight - dwell upon my island and mock my ancestors. One day, I will take back the Island, which is my birthright.

Also, apparently Cosmos is getting a bit of a reboot. http://www.wired.com/geekdad/2011/08/cosmos-to-get-a-sequel-hosted-by-neil-degrasse-tyson/


I wonder if she uses Dragon browser?

that's great news that Cosmos will be back.

it really was a great series that made science relative for all.

Neil is a good choice, would rather see Brian Cox myself, but I guess his work with his own show would make them too similar.