Option to use a second drive as temporary storage

Could be useful, and maybe help speed up the process

Gildur is refering to the possibility of using space on a second drive when attempting to defrag a drive that is almost full so has very little free space itself.

Yes. I didn't see that it was already suggested

Great Idea but Deflaggler should use RAM for shuffling first.

Well it is, indeed, quite hard to see what's already been suggested, if you have 20+ pages of suggested stuff.

But I do have to agree: Would be <strong>excellent</strong> to have a choice between caching the to-be-defragged data either into ram, OR choose a Windows drive letter to tell which drive should be used for caching. This could be a ram disk, for instance, that exists anyway.

A few things to consider, when caching to RAM or a disk drive/ram drive:

- You should have backup power, in case of a power outage. Data would be lost else.

- There needs to be a settings dialogue in which to choose how many MB, TB, whatever size you'd like Defraggler to use this cache.

- Your machine requires enough free ram/disk space for the above set limit

- Should files being cached, or whole sets of (selected) files being cached?

- The cache drive needs to be faster than the source drive.

Two reasons for why to even consider use caching onto other drives/ram:

1) Performance. If you read from the source drive, and write to the same drive (source == destination drive), the disk needs to do both things right after each other. And in today’s world the disk most likely has other tasks too, in the meanwhile, all tasks are running parallel. This slows down the process and puts more stress on the disk.

Caching would put the disk in position of only reading data, and writing later, when disk load allows.

2) More space on the source drive. While you take away the to-be-defragged data from the source drive, you create free space, which can be used for data later on while defragg(l)ing.
