Option to Run CCleaner Automatically Upon Browser Exit

I absolutely hate unecessary files and like to keep my PC as clean as possible. I have another file/history cleansing program which has the option to run every time I exit either Firefox or IE. I love this option because I don't have to worry about remembering to run the program on my own. I would love to see this type of option in CCleaner because personally I like CCleaner better, and the other program has started acting flakey anyway (it's ignoring Firefox cache even though I have it set). For some this might be overkill, but I think there are probably others out there who, like myself, would love this option.

I absolutely hate unecessary files and like to keep my PC as clean as possible. I have another file/history cleansing program which has the option to run every time I exit either Firefox or IE. I love this option because I don't have to worry about remembering to run the program on my own. I would love to see this type of option in CCleaner because personally I like CCleaner better, and the other program has started acting flakey anyway (it's ignoring Firefox cache even though I have it set). For some this might be overkill, but I think there are probably others out there who, like myself, would love this option.

I have another program that I actualy paid for to do this same thing but it runs much buggier and slower than this program. I totally agree with ne7ermore. This program is almost perfect. If it automatically ran in the background after browser exit it would be the perfect program. Other than that, thumbs up, I will be using this program.

Is there a way to do this already?

there is currently not a way to do this.

i dont think that it would be that easy to do.

im pretty sure Ccleaner would have to be running all the time to notice when FF or IE closed.